[] [2021-11-05 08:40:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-05 08:40:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@cecf7a1
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - -workspacePath=@user.home\Justinmind\9.5.5
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - null
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading installation.xml
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://cloud.justinmind.com/usernote/
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:40:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:41:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:41:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:42:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dU
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dS
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 1.62
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:05] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:05] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 159095
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.395
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 0.531
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.501
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.0
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.048
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.02
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:36] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 3.175
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 26.707
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.dN
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:37] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=TUTORIAL_START}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:50] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=TUTORIAL_COMPLETE}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:43:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.OnboardingAction
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:54:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:54:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:54:28] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=683398}
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:54:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[3698725550496188480] [2021-11-05 08:54:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[] [2021-11-08 12:06:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-08 12:06:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-08 12:06:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@79fc8d87
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - -workspacePath=@user.home\Justinmind\9.5.5
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - null
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:02] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 3.4
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:12] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:12] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-08 12:06:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 12160
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:20] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PROJECT, from=empty, device=WEB_1280}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.dN
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 7.485
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.011
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:27] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:32:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:40:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Save: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:40:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:40:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:40:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:40:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dH
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 STARTED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 ENDED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:46:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:47:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.general.Jf -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:47:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.eP
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/-3746090026933678533/, optimize=true]
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 195ms
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - server not started
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Server started, Hit Enter to stop. 21303
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - server started at port: 21303 50ms
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\-3746090026933678533
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1280}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:02:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:02:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:02:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:02:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:02:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:32:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:32:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:32:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:32:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 10:32:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:02:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:02:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:02:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:02:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:02:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:24:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 STARTED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:24:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 ENDED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:32:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:32:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:32:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:32:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:32:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:34:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 STARTED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 11:34:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 ENDED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:02:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:02:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:02:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:02:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:02:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:32:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:32:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:32:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:32:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 12:32:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:02:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:02:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:02:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:02:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:02:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:32:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:32:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:32:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:32:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 13:32:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:02:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:02:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:02:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:02:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:02:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:32:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:32:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:32:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:32:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 14:32:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:02:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:02:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:02:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:02:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:02:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:32:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:32:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:32:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:32:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 15:32:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:02:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:02:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:02:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:02:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:02:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:32:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:32:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:32:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:32:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 16:32:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:02:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:02:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:02:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:02:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:02:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:32:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:32:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:32:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:32:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 17:32:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:02:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:02:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:02:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:02:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:02:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:32:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:32:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:32:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:32:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 18:32:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:02:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:02:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:02:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:02:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:02:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:32:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:32:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:32:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:32:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 19:32:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:02:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:02:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:02:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:02:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:02:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:32:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:32:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:32:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:32:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 20:32:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:02:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:02:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:02:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:02:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:02:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:32:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:32:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:32:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:32:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 21:32:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:02:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:02:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:02:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:02:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:02:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:32:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:32:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:32:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:32:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 22:32:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:02:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:02:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:02:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:02:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:02:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:32:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:32:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:32:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:32:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-09 23:32:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:02:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:02:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:02:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:02:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:02:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:32:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:32:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:32:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:32:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 00:32:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:02:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:02:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:02:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:02:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:02:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:32:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:32:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:32:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:32:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 01:32:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:03:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:03:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:03:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:03:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:03:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:33:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:33:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:33:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:33:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 02:33:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:03:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:03:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:03:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:03:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:03:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:33:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:33:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:33:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:33:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 03:33:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:03:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:03:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:03:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:03:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:03:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:33:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:33:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:33:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:33:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 04:33:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:03:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:03:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:03:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:03:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:03:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:33:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:33:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:33:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:33:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 05:33:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:03:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:03:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:03:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:03:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:03:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:33:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:33:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:33:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:33:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 06:33:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:03:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:03:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:03:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:03:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:03:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:33:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:33:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:33:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:33:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 07:33:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:03:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:03:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:03:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:03:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:03:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:33:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:33:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:33:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:33:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 08:33:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:03:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:03:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:03:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:03:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:03:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:33:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:33:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:33:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:33:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:33:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:42:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 STARTED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:42:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Prototype 1 ENDED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:43:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:43:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:43:06] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=164214262}
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:43:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[-4086977688004777816] [2021-11-10 09:43:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[] [2021-11-10 09:43:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-10 09:43:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-10 09:43:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@49777aba
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - -workspacePath=@user.home\Justinmind\9.5.5
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - null
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:13] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 3.106
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:20] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:20] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 9207
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:27] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PROJECT, from=empty, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.dN
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.494
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.009
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:29] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Save: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 09:43:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dH
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:13:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:13:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:13:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:13:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:13:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:22:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:22:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:22:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:22:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:22:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:22:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:11] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:11] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/8290865772609869884/, optimize=true]
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:11] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 299ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - server not started
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Server started, Hit Enter to stop. 21303
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - server started at port: 21303 51ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\8290865772609869884
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:12] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:23:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:16] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:16] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/8290865772609869884/, optimize=true]
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:18] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 1573ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\8290865772609869884
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:18] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:24:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.general.Jf -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.eP
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:12] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:12] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/8290865772609869884/, optimize=true]
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:14] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 1482ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\8290865772609869884
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:14] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:44] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:44] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/8290865772609869884/, optimize=true]
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:45] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 1416ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\8290865772609869884
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:25:45] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:26:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - USER WIDGET ACTION: Text
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gX
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.widgets.create.LJ -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.r8
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:03] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_USER_WIDGET, widgetName=Text, userWidget=true, model=richtext}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START EDIT -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - FINISH EDIT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START EDIT -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - MOVE_ONE_AXIS
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g1
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - FINISH EDIT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - USER WIDGET ACTION: Rectangle
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gX
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.widgets.create.LJ -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.r8
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:54] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_USER_WIDGET, widgetName=Rectangle, userWidget=true, model=rectangle}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:27:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START EDIT -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - MOVE_ONE_AXIS
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - FINISH EDIT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START EDIT -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - FINISH EDIT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:28:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ii -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.general.Jf -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.eP
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:29:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Save: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dG
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Save: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dG
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:52] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:52] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/8290865772609869884/, optimize=true]
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:53] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 1574ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\8290865772609869884
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:30:59] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:38:48] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:38:48] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/8290865772609869884/, optimize=true]
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:38:49] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 1500ms
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:38:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\8290865772609869884
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:38:49] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:43:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:43:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:43:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:43:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 10:43:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:13:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:13:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:13:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:13:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:13:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:16:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:16:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:16:15] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=5575043}
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:16:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[-6768976619448344521] [2021-11-10 11:16:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[] [2021-11-12 08:06:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-12 08:06:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-12 08:06:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@44420b9e
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - -workspacePath=@user.home\Justinmind\9.5.5
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - null
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:04] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.696
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:11] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:11] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 8222
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.447
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 1.044
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.533
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.0
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.658
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.082
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:29] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 4.55
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 4.935
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.dN
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.general.Jf -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.eP
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.gc
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.eN
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.canvas.create.H6 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.projects.EVCProjectModel
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:41] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NewPageOperation}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - KEY MOD - INSERT
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:07:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.images.Ix -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gZ
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gZ
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sQ
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.general.Jf -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.eP
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/-259110832730742493/, optimize=true]
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 283ms
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - server not started
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Server started, Hit Enter to stop. 21303
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - server started at port: 21303 50ms
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\-259110832730742493
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:36:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:36:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:36:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:36:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 08:36:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:06:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:06:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:06:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:06:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:06:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:36:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:36:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:36:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:36:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:36:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:38:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds STARTED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:38:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds ENDED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:12] INFO com.justinmind.generator - ----------------- Showing Consist Holds ----------------
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:12] INFO com.justinmind.generator - simulation: [installPath=/C:/Users/BBGDBKN/AppData/Local/Justinmind/Justinmind 9.5.5/app/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/10/0/.cp/, outputPath=C:/Users/BBGDBKN/Justinmind/9.5.5/work/-259110832730742493/, optimize=true]
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:14] INFO com.justinmind.generator - generation took 1562ms
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Prototype added to server; C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\work\-259110832730742493
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:14] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=SIMULATE, browser=iexplore, scale=100, device=WEB_1920}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.paste.I2 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.PasteAction
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.It -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:39:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.MoveAction
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:40:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.gc
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:40:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:40:38] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=TOGGLE_GRID_PROPERTY}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:40:42] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=TOGGLE_GRID_PROPERTY}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:40:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.bounds.Ip -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:48:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds STARTED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:48:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds ENDED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:58:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds STARTED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 09:58:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds ENDED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:06:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:06:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:06:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:06:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:06:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - HIDE PALETTE: Layers
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.guides.K9 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.rk
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SHOW PALETTE: Layers
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - HIDE PALETTE: Layers
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds STARTED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds ENDED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:08:57] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=ExportToJIRA}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:09:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SHOW PALETTE: Layers
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:09:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:18:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds STARTED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:18:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds ENDED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:36:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:36:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:36:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:36:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 10:36:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:06:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:06:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:06:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:06:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:06:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:36:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:36:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:36:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:36:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 11:36:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:06:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:06:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:06:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:06:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:06:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:36:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:36:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:36:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:36:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 12:36:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:06:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:06:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:06:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:06:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:06:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:36:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:36:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:36:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:36:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 13:36:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:06:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:06:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:06:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:06:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:06:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:36:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:36:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:36:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:36:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 14:36:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:06:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:06:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:06:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:06:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:06:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:36:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:36:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:36:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:36:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 15:36:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:06:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:06:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:06:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:06:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:06:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:36:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:36:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:36:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:36:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 16:36:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:06:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:06:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:06:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:06:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:06:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:36:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:36:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:36:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:36:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 17:36:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:06:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:36:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:36:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:36:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:36:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 18:36:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:07:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:07:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:07:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:07:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:07:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:37:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:37:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:37:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:37:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 19:37:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:07:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:07:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:07:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:07:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:07:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:37:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:37:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:37:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:37:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 20:37:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:07:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:07:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:07:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:07:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:07:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:37:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:37:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:37:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:37:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 21:37:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:07:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:07:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:07:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:07:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:07:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:37:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:37:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:37:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:37:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 22:37:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:07:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:07:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:07:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:07:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:07:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:37:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:37:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:37:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:37:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-12 23:37:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:07:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:07:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:07:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:07:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:07:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:37:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:37:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:37:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:37:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 00:37:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:07:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:07:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:07:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:07:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:07:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:37:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:37:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:37:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:37:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 01:37:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:07:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:07:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:07:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:07:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:07:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:37:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:37:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:37:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:37:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 02:37:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:07:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:07:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:07:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:07:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:07:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:37:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:37:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:37:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:37:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 03:37:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:07:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:07:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:07:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:07:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:07:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:37:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:37:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:37:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:37:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 04:37:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:07:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:07:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:07:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:07:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:07:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:37:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:37:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:37:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:37:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 05:37:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:07:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:07:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:07:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:07:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:07:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:37:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:37:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:37:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:37:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 06:37:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:07:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:07:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:07:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:07:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:07:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:37:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:37:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:37:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:37:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 07:37:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:07:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:07:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:07:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:07:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:07:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:37:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:37:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:37:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:37:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 08:37:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:07:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:07:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:07:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:07:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:07:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:37:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:37:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:37:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:37:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 09:37:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:07:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:07:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:07:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:07:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:07:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:37:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:37:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:37:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:37:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 10:37:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:07:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:07:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:07:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:07:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:07:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:37:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:37:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:37:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:37:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 11:37:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:07:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:07:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:07:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:07:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:07:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:37:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:37:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:37:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:37:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 12:37:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:07:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:07:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:07:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:07:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:07:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:37:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:37:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:37:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:37:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 13:37:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:07:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:07:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:07:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:07:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:07:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:37:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:37:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:37:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:37:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 14:37:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:07:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:07:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:07:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:07:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:07:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:37:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:37:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:37:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:37:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 15:37:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:07:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:07:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:07:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:07:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:07:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:37:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:37:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:37:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:37:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 16:37:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:07:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:07:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:07:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:07:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:07:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:37:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:37:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:37:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:37:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 17:37:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:07:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:07:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:07:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:07:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:07:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:37:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:37:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:37:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:37:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 18:37:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:07:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:07:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:07:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:07:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:07:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:37:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:37:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:37:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:37:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 19:37:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:07:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:07:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:07:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:07:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:07:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:37:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:37:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:37:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:37:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 20:37:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:07:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:07:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:07:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:07:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:07:58] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:37:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:37:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:37:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:37:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 21:37:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:08:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:38:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:38:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:38:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:38:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 22:38:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:08:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:08:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:08:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:08:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:08:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:38:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:38:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:38:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:38:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-13 23:38:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:08:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:08:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:08:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:08:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:08:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:38:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:38:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:38:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:38:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 00:38:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:08:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:08:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:08:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:08:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:08:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:38:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:38:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:38:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:38:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 01:38:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:08:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:08:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:08:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:08:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:08:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:38:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:38:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:38:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:38:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 02:38:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:08:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:08:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:08:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:08:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:08:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:38:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:38:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:38:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:38:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 03:38:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:08:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:38:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:38:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:38:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:38:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 04:38:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:08:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:08:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:08:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:08:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:08:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:38:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:38:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:38:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:38:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 05:38:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:08:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:08:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:08:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:08:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:08:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:38:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:38:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:38:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:38:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 06:38:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:08:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:08:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:08:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:08:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:08:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:38:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:38:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:38:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:38:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 07:38:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:08:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:10:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds STARTED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:10:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Autosave Showing Consist Holds ENDED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:11:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - HIDE PALETTE: Layers
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:11:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:11:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SHOW PALETTE: Layers
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:11:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:14:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.embedfonts.cQ
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:14:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.usernote.actions.atomic.l
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:14:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Latest simulated prototype.vp
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:14:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:14:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:14:30] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=VIEW_ON_DEVICE}
[] [2021-11-14 08:16:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-14 08:16:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-14 08:16:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@46c088f
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\BIS-044 Retrieve ECCN and Country code by Filtering.vp
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\BIS-044 Retrieve ECCN and Country code by Filtering.vp
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:47] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.922
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:53] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:53] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 8676
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\BIS-044 Retrieve ECCN and Country code by Filtering.vp
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\BIS-044 Retrieve ECCN and Country code by Filtering.vp
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.757
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 1.98
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.484
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.001
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:16:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 3.497
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.077
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:00] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 7.967
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 8.401
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Save: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Showing Consist Holds.vp
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dG
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:19] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=173468525}
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[2862411063172717309] [2021-11-14 08:17:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 3.193
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:17:25] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[] [2021-11-14 08:17:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-14 08:17:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-14 08:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@45bf82bd
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:29] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 3.387
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:35] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:35] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 8467
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.573
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 1.079
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.751
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.001
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 2.112
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.054
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 5.358
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 5.746
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - HIDE PALETTE: Layers
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:17:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:19:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SHOW PALETTE: Layers
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:19:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.editorproperty.gC
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:19:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.JE -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:19:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.JE -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:19:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.gui.images.Ix -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sI
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:20:50] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NewEventOperation, action=null, event=null}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:21:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:21:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 0.008
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:21:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[] [2021-11-14 08:21:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-14 08:21:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@eb6b14b
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.661
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:15] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:15] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 7899
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.496
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 0.965
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.695
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.0
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.935
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.056
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:19] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 4.825
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 5.224
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:21:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:22:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:22:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:22:04] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=269066}
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:22:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[7187179542049475461] [2021-11-14 08:22:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:22:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:22:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:22:12] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=57009}
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:22:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[-1413368312380194837] [2021-11-14 08:22:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:22:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:22:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 0.008
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:22:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[] [2021-11-14 08:22:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-14 08:22:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@33f183b7
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.644
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 7384
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.461
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 0.942
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.682
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.001
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.693
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.05
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:30] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 4.608
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 5.002
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:22:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:47:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:47:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:47:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:47:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 08:47:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:52:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:52:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:52:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:52:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 08:52:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:17:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:17:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:17:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:17:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:17:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:22:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:22:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:22:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:22:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:22:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:47:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:47:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:47:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:47:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 09:47:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:52:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:52:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:52:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:52:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 09:52:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:22:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:22:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:22:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:22:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:22:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:47:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:47:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:47:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:47:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 10:47:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:52:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:52:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:52:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:52:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 10:52:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:22:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:22:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:22:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:22:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:22:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:47:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:47:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:47:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:47:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 11:47:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:52:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:52:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:52:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:52:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 11:52:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:17:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:17:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:17:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:17:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:17:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:22:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:22:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:22:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:22:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:22:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:47:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:47:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:47:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:47:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 12:47:15] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:52:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:52:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:52:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:52:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 12:52:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:17:16] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:22:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:22:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:22:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:22:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:22:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:47:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:47:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:47:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:47:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 13:47:17] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:52:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:52:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:52:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:52:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 13:52:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:17:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:17:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:17:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:17:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:17:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:22:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:22:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:22:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:22:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:22:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:47:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:47:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:47:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:47:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 14:47:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:52:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:52:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:52:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:52:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 14:52:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:17:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:17:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:17:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:17:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:17:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:22:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:22:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:22:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:22:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:22:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:47:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:47:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:47:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:47:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 15:47:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:52:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:52:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:52:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:52:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 15:52:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:17:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:17:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:17:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:17:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:17:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:22:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:22:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:22:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:22:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:22:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:47:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:47:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:47:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:47:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 16:47:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:52:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:52:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:52:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:52:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 16:52:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:17:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:22:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:22:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:22:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:22:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:22:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:47:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:47:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:47:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:47:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 17:47:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:52:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:52:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:52:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:52:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 17:52:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:17:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:22:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:22:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:22:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:22:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:22:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:47:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:47:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:47:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:47:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 18:47:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:52:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:52:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:52:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:52:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 18:52:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:17:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:17:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:17:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:17:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:17:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:22:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:22:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:22:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:22:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:22:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:47:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:47:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:47:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:47:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 19:47:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:52:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:52:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:52:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:52:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 19:52:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:17:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 20:22:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 20:22:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 20:22:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 20:22:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[7432911839204598152] [2021-11-14 20:22:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:47:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:47:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:47:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:47:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 20:47:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:17:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:47:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:47:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:47:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:47:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 21:47:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:17:40] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:47:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:47:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:47:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:47:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 22:47:42] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:17:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:17:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:17:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:17:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:17:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:47:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:47:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:47:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:47:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-14 23:47:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:17:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:17:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:17:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:17:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:17:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:47:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:47:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:47:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:47:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 00:47:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:17:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:17:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:17:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:17:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:17:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:47:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:47:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:47:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:47:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 01:47:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:18:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:18:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:18:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:18:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:18:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:48:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:48:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:48:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:48:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 02:48:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:19:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:19:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:19:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:19:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:19:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:50:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:50:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:50:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:50:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 03:50:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:21:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:21:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:21:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:21:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:21:04] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:51:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:51:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:51:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:51:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 04:51:47] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:53:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:53:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:53:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:53:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 05:53:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:23:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:23:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:23:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:23:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:23:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:54:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:54:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:54:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:54:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 06:54:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:24:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:54:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:54:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:54:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:54:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 07:54:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:24:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:54:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:54:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:54:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:54:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 08:54:46] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:15:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:15:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 0.151
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:15:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[] [2021-11-15 09:15:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-15 09:15:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-15 09:15:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@58c57268
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Showing Consist Holds.vp
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:56] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:56] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:15:57] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:00] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.673
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:02] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:02] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 8202
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.357
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 0.838
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.592
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.001
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.847
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.005
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:33] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 4.457
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 4.854
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:16:35] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=RECOVER_PROTOTYPE}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:16:59] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PROJECT, from=empty}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:16:59] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.dN
[] [2021-11-15 09:17:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-15 09:17:01] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@29816933
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\b251af1b-ebc0-4201-8de3-6cbaabebe499-new.xml
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\b251af1b-ebc0-4201-8de3-6cbaabebe499-new.xml
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:02] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:05] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.626
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 9495
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\b251af1b-ebc0-4201-8de3-6cbaabebe499-new.xml
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:10] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\b251af1b-ebc0-4201-8de3-6cbaabebe499-new.xml
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:11] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PROJECT, from=empty, device=WEB_1920}
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:11] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:12] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.328
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:13] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.01
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:13] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:37] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=26976}
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[1328300886409154607] [2021-11-15 09:17:37] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:18:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:18:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 12.65
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:18:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@6e58c4e3
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Widget Creations.vp
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Widget Creations.vp
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:35] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:35] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:38] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:41] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.601
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 9812
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Widget Creations.vp
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Widget Creations.vp
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.458
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:44] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 1.07
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.788
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.0
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:45] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 3.489
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.093
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:49] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 6.59
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 7.02
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:18:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:19:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:19:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:19:03] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=19778}
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:19:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[4252220482459088982] [2021-11-15 09:19:03] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:19:18] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PROJECT, from=empty}
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:19:18] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.welcome.dN
[] [2021-11-15 09:19:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-15 09:19:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-15 09:19:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@96128ed
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\8f15a8fb-cdfe-4004-ac88-2dfb32f95d5d-new.xml
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\8f15a8fb-cdfe-4004-ac88-2dfb32f95d5d-new.xml
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:21] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:24] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.784
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:29] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:29] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 9772
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\8f15a8fb-cdfe-4004-ac88-2dfb32f95d5d-new.xml
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\8f15a8fb-cdfe-4004-ac88-2dfb32f95d5d-new.xml
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:31] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PROJECT, from=empty, device=WEB_1920}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.407
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.013
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:32] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:34] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.widgets.create.a5 -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.r8
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:43] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gS
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:47] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_PATH, widgetName=null, userWidget=false, model=path}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.widgets.create.H -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.r8
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:48] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gS
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:50] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_RECTANGLE, widgetName=null, userWidget=false, model=rectangle}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - USER WIDGET ACTION: Image
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.gX
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OPERATION: class com.justinmind.evc.operations.widgets.create.LJ -> class com.justinmind.evc.model.actions.sb
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:52] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_OP, op=NEW_USER_WIDGET, widgetName=Image, userWidget=true, model=image}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:19:52] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Save: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Example.vp
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Compressing file: \Example.vp
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Moving file to destination...
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:06] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Saved successfully!
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:07] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dH
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSED
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.gK
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:08] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=CLOSED, use_time=39436}
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:08] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - CLOSE workbench
[2624916323998184479] [2021-11-15 09:20:09] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:22:14] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:22:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 4.344
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:22:19] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[] [2021-11-15 09:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default workspace: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\Justinmind\9.5.5\
[] [2021-11-15 09:22:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - default install path: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\AppData\Local\Justinmind\Justinmind 9.5.5\app\
[] [2021-11-15 09:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Post context create
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - JNU encoding: UTF-8
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Args - application.args - [Ljava.lang.String;@2c49320f
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ArgsValue - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Example.vp
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:21] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - File to open - C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Example.vp
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:22] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=OPENED, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080}
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Checking connection: https://TNWG01A-V3240/usernote/
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dV
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:22] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.actions.dT
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading system fonts...
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:23] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading user fonts...
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:26] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - GUI CREATION: 2.611
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=PC_INFO, hostname=aasb11du34, user=bbgdbkn, install_id=-1377499852, license=214E0A17510D745E27C61E92D96D4549, os=Windows 10, os_version=10.0, arch=amd64, osarch=64, country=US, language=en, product=Prototyper Pro, version=9.5.5, java_version=11.0.2+9, cpu=amd64, dpi=144, displays=2, resolution=1920x1080 1920x1080, user_id=15362, name=Brandon Taylor, username=7MoUtZTdMRDMUI+j9sDfOdSk0mjTVUD32S1iG30lPqU=, account_id=-1, role=EDITOR, status=PRO}
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=STARTED}
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - STARTUP TIME: 6997
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Example.vp
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Open project from arg decoded: C:\Users\BBGDBKN\OneDrive - US Customs and Border Protection\Documents\Example.vp
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:27] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START OPEN TASK: 0.0
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT GEF: 0.432
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:28] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXEC OPERATION: 0.845
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - WIDGET LIBRARIES: 0.556
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - LOAD GUI: 0.0
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Loading GUI
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Activate Initial Editor
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - SET EDITOR: UIEDITOR
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:29] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.tools.g2
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - INIT VIEWER/PALETTES: 1.352
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:30] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - OTHERSTUFF: 0.055
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:30] INFO com.justinmind.metrics - {type=JP_PREF, hidden_palettes=[Templates, Masters, DataMasters, Variables, Navigator, Css, Comments, Requirements, Scenarios, RequirementsDetail], floating_palettes=[Layers], browser=iexplore, rules=false, grid=false, snap=false}
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.zoom.gf
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:31] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - END OPEN TASK: 4.06
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ELAPSED TIME: 4.475
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:22:32] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.evc.gui.main.actions.project.dE
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:24:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:24:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:24:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:24:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:24:49] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:46:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:46:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:46:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:46:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-881789076804021503] [2021-11-15 09:46:39] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:52:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:52:33] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:52:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:52:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[-889219561332112903] [2021-11-15 09:52:36] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:54:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - ACTION: class com.justinmind.login.licenses.ex
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:54:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Preresolve
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:54:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Details: Your original request has been modified.
No updates were found in available software sites.
Unexpected Error. Could not process the request. Check the error log for details.
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:54:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Possible updates:
[6306103526265227229] [2021-11-15 09:54:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Update - Code: 10000