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Prototype Once; View Many... Sizes?

Answered MDOT 9 years ago

I am trying to ascertain if it's possible to create a prototype in the iPhone 6+ size, and have it automatically resized to an iPhone 6, without having to create a different prototype for each size phone/mobile handheld on which one might like to display it

Is there a type of graphic that lends itself to this, is this even a feature within this particular prototyping platform?

Replies (4)


I'm happy to inform you that on our next release, a new feature called "fit to screen size" will be available and will help you on this.


Sonia Durán


Ms. Durán,

Thank you for your reply — however, to be clear, the answer is no, there is no current way of doing this... It is helpful, especially with people using your software to work, that answers be true-and-accurate to the question, and situation at hand, not future-casting your own product please.

Conditions Present: if I wish to be successful using your product, for this potential client/client project. I must create not one, but three complete-functional-prototypes while asking my client to open the appropriate one in the companion app...

If that is the case, please accurately manage my expectations, so I don't have to waste time.





While our next update (which will be released next week) will help this with this process significantly, right now you can do this by creating the prototype with the biggest resolution first, then scaling down with events. This tutorial should help http://www.justinmind.com/support/ada...





Thank you for the response; regrettably, I was not alerted to your response via e-mail, so I missed (your response) until Friday.

Your solution, albeit a circuitous route, is effective and allowed me to accomplish part of my goal. However, it is a fantastically time-consuming evolution, and definitely not one for the future...

I wish to take nothing away from the fact that you directly proffered a solution to my issue — I would like to reiterate the "managing my expectations" section of the above, and ask when you wrote: 'which will be released next week' — should I be expecting that at beginning of this week (the week of 2/8), or end of this week?

Primarily, I asked as it's definitely next week (from the time of your answer). I have been checking, and I have seen no updates so far, and I purchased this software at the end of evaluating for major competitors. I'm not a nervous Nelly, I just intensely dislike reversing myself.

Again, thank you for the work-around! When you get a moment, I would love to know when I can stop doing my work three times; just do it once with the release feature "Fit to Screen Size", and start haranguing JIM with other hopeful features! lol

I sincerely hope you enjoyed your weekend...



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