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Size (Width and Height) of Label components do not update when font size or padding are changed

Solved Dave 10 years ago

I have a label (well, a FontAwesome "Ellipsis h", but it's really just a label) in my prototype. When I change the font size, the values in the Width and Height fields of the "Position and size" portion f the Properties panel do not change to reflect the new font size.

Similarly, when I change the padding on the same component, the Width and Height do not update.

It does not appear to be related to the fact that "AutoFit text" is turned on by default and the Width and Height fields are locked by default for FontAwesome components: a normal label component misbehaves in the same way whether "AutoFit text" is enabled or not, and whether the fields are locked or not. Although the component visually changes size, the fields are not updated to reflect the changes.

In order to see the resulting sizes, I must select another item, then re-select the one I'm trying to adjust. It breaks the flow, particularly if I'm using keyboard controls to change the padding or font size.

Replies (6)

Hello Dave,

We're sorry to hear the changes aren't reflected automatically. We'll be sure to take a look at this behavior and file the necessary suggestions to our team.




This is still true in 7.0.0. I'm glad you're sorry, and I believe that you filed the necessary suggestions, but what didn't happen is that the bug got fixed. Can we get this working, please?


Hi Dave,

I have transfered your request to all our development team and we will attempt to give priority and fix this issue as soon as possible.


Sonia Durán


Hi Dave,

I'm happy to inform you that this issue will have been fixed on our next release.


Sonia Durán


Great news. 7.0.1 is gonna be a real winner.


It seems to be back. Reizing text boxes after input or with font changes is still an issue


Can you attach a .vp here with this issue? We'd like to look into this. You can compress the .vp into .zip/.rar format.

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