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HTML export for PhoneGap...

Answered Victor Conesa 11 years ago

Hi JIM Team,

Just another question that came up today when we tried to use the HTML export to create an on-device prototype by using PhoneGap. Are there any recommendations / tricks for that? We get an error message when we try to create the app for iOS in PhoneGap...

Thanks for any help...

Best Answer

Hi everyone! In Justinmind version 8.7, we introduced the ability to export your prototype to PhoneGap, meaning that you can now export your Justinmind prototypes to real, working applications. Check it out here.

Replies (13)

You can use the 'export to html' option inside Prototyper and then tune it to make it work with PhoneGap.


Thanks, that's what we did. Are there any recommendation how to 'tune' it then?



What is the error message that shows up in PhoneGap? Also, if you plan to reuse the generated code somehow, it's better if you go to File -> Preferences in Prototyper and uncheck the 'Optimized' checkbox. That way the generated files will be more easy to change and read.


Hi Victor,

We were trying to upload it to Adobe's phonegap service and it just tells us that there is a problem with the file. We are also in touch with Adobe's support but just wanted to see if there is anything we need to know about the specific folder structure or anything else...


You can check the HTML structure here: http://www.justinmind.com/help/topic/...

It's quite stardard. But it relies completely on AJAX and javascript to do the navigation instead of using anchor tags. Maybe that could be an issue with PhoneGap.


Hi Victor,

It seems there is the problem with the filenames used in the HTML output. The Adobe support just sent us the following response: "Please remove the spaces in any filenames in your app -- looks like you have several in your images directory, starting with '[Generated] ...'. "

Do you have any idea how we can fix that?



If the only problem is with the [Generated] images, then I'm afraid you'll have to wait one more week till we launch the new version. This new version won't have any [Generated] images.


Hi Steve,

For Android devices you can use Firefox as your web browser for simulating a prototype. If you want to see your prototype in full screen, you need to install Full Screen Mobile add-on.

Android devices also let you simulate your prototype offline. Just use Justinmind Prototyper to export the prototype to HTML with the menu option 'File -> Export to HTML'. It is recommended to export the prototype without comments. Choose a location on your Android's SD card to which the prototype will be exported to. Then from your Android device, browse to that location and open the file 'index.html' with Firefox.

In case that Firefox doesn't show it, write in the address bar 'file:///storage/', browse to the folder where you exported the prototype as HTML file and tap on the 'index.html'.

Otherwise, contact with Phonegap. Here you have a link to its community: http://community.phonegap.com/nitobi

Best regards.


Hey guys is it possible to export a file from justinmind to phone gap and generate a apk file format


Hi Basimane,

Unfortunately Justinmind is not compatible with PhoneGap. You have the possibility to export your prototype to HTML.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Sonia Durán


I just followed the following steps in an attempt to take into the PhoneGap Compiling and end up getting weird result , the snapshot is attached.

1. Export to HTML (F7)

2. Edit the config.xml to work with PhoneGap

Is there any straight forward way or tutorial to make html to compatible with PhoneGap.



i have saved smae problem.. how slove the problem


Hi Anupam,

Unfortunately Justinmind is not compatible with PhoneGap at the moment.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Sonia Durán


Hi everyone! In Justinmind version 8.7, we introduced the ability to export your prototype to PhoneGap, meaning that you can now export your Justinmind prototypes to real, working applications. Check it out here.

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