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How to add fonts/typefaces?

Answered Victor Conesa 11 years ago

I'd like to add a font/typeface to use in Prototyper Pro but can't seem to figure out how. Help!

Best Answer

Starting in version 8.3, you can use and embed custom fonts in your prototypes. When sharing your prototype with other Justinmind users, or exporting your prototype to HTML, you can embed font code snippets within your Justinmind prototype and store them in your online account.


Replies (12)

First you need to make sure you have the right to distribute the font legally. Most of the fonts out there have clear restrictions about this. If you can distribute the font file then just send it to your reviewers by email. You could also make a first screen in your prototype with a link to let the reviewer download and install the font before starting the prototype.


Another option, which is kind of a hassle, but definitely a workaround if you don't want to have to distribute fonts, is to make your text elements in Illustrator (or similar) and then export them as .png files. Doesn't work for dynamic text, but you can at least make your headings and major important text look like you want them to.


Just a tip to make your workaround better: You can turn any text element into an image file by selecting the element, then right click (or ctrl+click if you are in a Mac) and select 'save as image'. Then just insert that new image file into your prototype.


I'm pretty sick of being referred to this topic. There either needs to be a legit way to include typefaces into the project, or just tell users that this isn't possible. Don't try to bandaid the very-talked-about problem with an in-scalable solution.


+1 TypeKit support


JIT why not collaborate with a Company like Adobe or Fonts.com? I do not believe they will say No as a new font means the users will have to buy them. The discussion regarding legal aspect is simply stupid and JIT could leave this to us to be properly licensed.

Today we use Firefox and change the standard font to make this work but this workaround is not what I prefer.

Best Anders


I want to buy a font from a type foundry and use it in the prototype. Want to present on a device. Is it not possible or do I get it wrong?? A newbie...


Just for the record. YES we have the right to distribute and use the fonts we need to implement into our prototypes. I dont Think anyone would use a font without license and sell that applicatio to market. And finally why is this even a concern of JIM? The need to use my own fonts from in my case Fonts.com are really urgent. I have several companies that has their own fonts that they expect to be in the demos we do. Today I do a workaround using firefox as browser and change the default font to the one I want to see. Kind of irritating in the long run as sometimes I forget to change back the font.


Can you install a custom font? I have created a font myself but I can't use it right now because there seems to be no way to install fonts in Justinmind. It would be rather riduculous to not let people use their own fonts in their own prototypes.


After contacting support, no, you cannot use a custom font. You have two options:

1) Install the Font on each device you use the prototype

2) Use a standard font or add a Google font within JustInMind

PS: I think custom Web Fonts should be implemented.


Starting in version 8.3, you can use and embed custom fonts in your prototypes. When sharing your prototype with other Justinmind users, or exporting your prototype to HTML, you can embed font code snippets within your Justinmind prototype and store them in your online account.



FWIW, a fixed size GIF is really difficult to read, restart or pause...


Sorry but I don't fully understand what you mean.

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