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How to quickly navigate through the prototype screens (without using the side panel)?

Answered seb lt 9 years ago

Using the left and right arrows keys to quickly navigate through the prototype screens is a common feature in prototyping tools these days, and it's really annoying not to have it in JM (at least it's not working for me).

More often than not, when presenting the prototype to my colleagues, I need to be able to very quickly go back and forth between adjacent, sequential screens, and I don't want to be forced to have to open the side panel and do it. Too many clicks, and distracting.

Anyone have any tips?

Replies (2)

Hello Seb,

You've made a great point and we'll be sure to keep it in mind for future versions of Justinmind.




Thanks! Great to see JM is listening :-) I'm a new user so I may not have figured out everything, but I've already encountered several issues that could be deal breakers for me (the white flash issue is probably #1). Hopefully these are addressed as I like the promise of JM as a powerful prototyping tool.

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