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Catch Clicks on Subelements

Answered Victor Conesa 8 years ago


take a look at the screenshot first: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/16...

i have a dynamic panel with several layers (green dots). in this layers i have rectangles (orange dots).

On every click on a rectangle i wanna do the same thing. link to another site.

Is there a way without set a onclick on every rectangle?

Replies (3)

Hi Michael,

If I have understood you correctly what you need, you should set an "on click / link to " event on each rectangle.


Sonia Durán


So there is no way, that i can set an event like these, with the id ́s of the rectangles.

Something like these

("Rectangle_4","Rectangle_3","Rectangle_2","Rectangle_1","Rectangle_....","...").onclick(do something)


Hi Michael,

Unfortunately not. You will need to use the copy / paste. However I will transfer this information to our development team so they can take into account for future updates.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sonia Durán

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