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Text area widget with rich text formatting

Answered Victor Conesa 12 years ago

I'm trying to simulate a text area (text input box with a vertical scrollbar) that has rich text in it. I tried using the Text Area widget in the Twitter Bootstrap widget library, but I cannot style the text inside the text area (e.g. I want to have some words be in bold or italic, and the rest normal). In the Twitter Bootstrap's Text Area, all the text in the text area has to have the same formatting. Any suggestions? Is there another widget I can use (couldn't find one in the libraries on justinmind.com) or different way I can get this effect?

Replies (3)

I'm afraid I can't think of any way to do that. Someone out there have any ideas?


You could always just use a screenshot of a rich text editor. Users can't actually edit the text but it gets the point across.


Hi Guys,

I'm looking for this same feature where I can use text formatting in a text input widget, along with insert images etc. is there a way now with any feature updates?

I want a text input area with similar features like this:





You won't be able to add images dynamically like that, but here's an example that will allow you to do some of that formatting.

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