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Simulate Prototype Doesn't work

Answered Victor Conesa 12 years ago

Simulate doesn't work. It just fires a new browser window but with nothing in it.

Here are the steps I did

1. Create a new Prototype (iPhone)

2. Made Two screens. Screen 1 = iPhone lock screen with date and unlock widgets; Screen 2 = iPhone home screen (a screenshot of icons)

3. Add link from screen 1 to screen 2

4. Click Simulate on top

5. It opens up my default browser (chrome) with a long link to the url - the page displayed is blank

I'm running Prototyper Pro on Mac OSX Mountain Lion

Justinmind Prototyper Pro Edition (Extended Evaluation)

Version (Ver. 5.0.0)

Best Answer

If you encounter this problem, please comment with this info:

  • Your simulation browser
  • Your computer OS
  • Version of Justinmind
  • If this occurs for other prototypes or just this one

Replies (6)

There is a missing message when you launch it in chrome. Just go to Prototyper-> Preferences and choose Safari as your default browser.


There is no message that is displayed in Chrome. All I get is a blank page when I click on simulate.

However, it works now after I made Safari the default browser. Thanks

I'd spent a considerable amount of time trying to "figure out" what went wrong. Even considered switching to another tool seriously. Most users, I would say a considerable number, who runs mac osx would use Chrome as a default browser and if it doesn't work in Chrome then they go away..

Btw, the examples on your website don't work correctly when I use it with latest version. That's another story

Appreciate your quick response. I can now get to working again! Good day!


Can you tell me what examples do not work please? Thanks in advance.


I'm experiencing the same behavior with Chrome. Changing to Safari yields a new problem-

Page not found.

This may be due to an error during the HTML export. Please verify if the ".html" file exists.


Shortly after a new version was released and I upgraded, still same problem, then I rebooted my mac fully and its now working (fingers crossed)


Can you clarify "blank page"? Is a blank page the same thing you get when you create a new tab in Chrome, independent of JIM? I ask because, on a Mac, I've occasionally had the behavior where I simulate and get not a blank page but rather the main Google search page, which is the page I get when I create a new tab. So, I'm just trying to distinguish between whether JIM is literally generating a blank page or is creating a new tab as would normally be created in your browser, absent the prototype that should be there.

For me, when this happens, I believe restarting my Mac is what resolves it. Perhaps quitting JIM and Chrome and/or clearing cookies or browsing history might do it, but I think I tried those and restarting was what worked. Certainly this is something that shouldn't be happening, but in my case it's fairly rare. If it is more frequent for you, perhaps there is a way to determine if there are certain implementations within a prototype that trigger this behavior more often than others. All of these kinds of questions will help JIM support narrow in on and resolve the issue.



If you encounter this problem, please comment with this info:

  • Your simulation browser
  • Your computer OS
  • Version of Justinmind
  • If this occurs for other prototypes or just this one


I installed the extension to see my prototype on Chrome but it always send me back to the "install extension page". I have never met this problem before.

* Chrome

* Mac iOS

* 8.7.6

* Occurs for all prototypes


Google Chrome issued an update very recently that disabled the ability for the extension to work correctly. We'll be issuing an update that should fix the issue in the next week or so. In the mean time, you can try this to open the file in Chrome:

For Windows:

1. Quit all instances of your Chrome browser

2. Go to the Run app and type the following command:

chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
3. Hit enter

4. Open the file in Chrome

For Mac:

1. Run Terminal.app, and type:

open /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app --args --allow-file-access-from-files

You could also use Firefox. To do so:

  1. Open Firefox and in the address bar, type
  2. In the list of properties that appear, search for
    and click on it so the value reads ‘false’.

And you'll now be able to open that index.html file in Firefox.


It doesn't work when I used terminal. Is there other way?


We released an update yesterday that should fix this issue. Go to Help > Check for updates to download it.

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