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Datamaster Condition

Answered Eduardo H 8 years ago


I´am evaluating justinmind and I was wonderig if I have a Datamaster with 2 columns in an Android app. When I tap in the second column (any row) depending on the content value the program link to a specific page.


Replies (2)

Hi Eduardo,

Sorry for our late response. Unfortunately there is no possibility to create links that include calculations.


Sonia Durán


Eduardo if you didn't mean a calculated value but the value (string) being returned from the Data Master then try the following:

  • Create Data Master with your columns/rows(values)
  • Drag a Data List to the screen and select your Data Master to populate the List
  • Use the Outline panel to select the second columns output value (this is where you want to link from when you click this value)
  • Add a Tap event and select the screen or URL you want a value to link to
  • Add a condition to your tap event case and test that the value of the output (same field you're applying the link to) matches a specific string from your Data Master.

See if the attached prototype is the expected result of what you're looking for.


Hi Stphn,

Thanks a lot for your contribution.


Sonia Durán

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