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WYSIWYG text entry in wireframes

In Progress Terry Lanham 8 years ago

In wireframe mode, in an iOS Nav bar, I typed "Work Order" as the Title, but it still shows garbled dev code (?) until I view in Simulate mode. I need to see my text entries as I type them in wireframe mode. What am I missing here?

Replies (5)

Hi Terry,

Can you describe what's happening in more detail? Some screenshots / snippet would help.


Sonia Durán


Hi, Sonia -

Here's the Nav bar. I typed Work Order as the title. You can see it in Simulate mode, but not in the wireframes workspace.


When I type/enter any text, it is not readable in Wireframe mode.


I am evaluating this tool to see if it is something I am going to recommend for my company's UX Team for wireframing/prototyping. I realize customer/tech support will be (should be) quicker with the paid version, but the lack of follow-up after I quickly responded to Sonia in this thread gives me pause.


Hi Mario,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We endeavor to respond to our users within 24 hours, however we have been dealing with a backlog of Support queries. Please also note that we give priority to our PRO users.

Regarding your issue, this usually happens when the font used is already installed on your computer so the use is being duplicated with thprototyper. To solve this issue you should uninstall the font you are using from your computer:

Mac OS --> Applications -> Justinmind -> Show package contents -> Contents -> Resources -> Java -> Fonts

PC --> This PC / OS (C:) / Windows / Fonts

Let me know how this works for you.


Sonia Durán

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