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How to add a text/ button over an image inside a cell? Justinmind doesn't allow but Axure does

Not a Problem Snehashish Panigrahi 7 years ago

I am building a responsive site. So as suggested in example I went with a table layout for the entire page. And, placed elements in cell. Facing problem, when there's already an image inside cell, and I want to add text & button over the image. See the attached images for clarity. How do I achieve that? When I try placing the text over the image, text goes outside of the image and stays within the cell. I want the text over the image. Tried the same in axure, it works.

Don't mark it as "Not a problem" unless you give solution. Reposting the topic with more clarity.

Replies (1)

Hi there,

Sorry for our late response. You should apply at "Cell2" a "Free layout" instead of "Vertical layout".


Sonia Durán

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