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Text while designing vs in presentation are different sizes

Known Michael Vieira 7 years ago

I had worked by using tabs and spaces to try to align multiple pieces of text in one text box so while in the UI view in the app it was properly ligning up. However, when I launched into the presentation/simulate the spacing was completely different.

Replies (3)

Dear Michael,

This happens sometimes depending on the font you are using. Can you try disabling 'autofit' features?



I turned off autofit. Still was pretty far off. See attached image.


Dear Michael,

Sorry for our late response. You are right. The spaces and tabs might not be simulated exactly in the same way as it depends on the which browser/font/size/style you have used. In this case, if you need the spaces to be pixel perfect, I would recommend you creating different texts to simulate the space between them. I hope this helps.


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