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Feature Suggestion: Trigger: a new action?

Planned Victor Conesa 13 years ago

It would be useful if we could trigger an event on another object.


A button has all my conditions and actions defined attached to it's OnClick event and it all works.

When an input field changes, I'd like to do the exact same thing as the button, but without duplicating the actions and conditions.

If we could add a 'Trigger "Button" OnClick' action attached to the OnChange of the input field, then this would acheive what I'm after.

Failing that, we need a way to re-use conditions and actions, by giving them a tag / label / name.



Replies (10)

Great idea!! Thanks! We add it to take it into account in future updates.


Oh man this would be a HUGE time saver since we'll be able to re-use conditions and keep them focused per object instead of having to create really a clunky complex conditions for each object that is dependent on another object.


Hello there,

Any news about it?

In the meantime, I'm faking the event triggering this way:

1. Have a 0 px transparent input inside the parent or the component you want to trigger the action. I made it a widget and named it eventHandler_anyname

2. Whenever you need to trigger actions just add a "set Focus On" action for the eventHandler

3. In the fake eventHandler create the actions you need to be executed including calling another setFocus On if you wanna chain events.

It's not the best solution but due the lack of JIMP support for directly triggering events in objects it's the least ugly I could came with.

Hope to have news about the implementation of this feature properly by JIMP team.


It's planned for the release we'll launch after the one we are about to launch. So, it will be ready on September more or less.


Any word on this feature? I just filed a request Add a "Click" action and the ability to "Call" events from one component to another for what amounts to the same thing.

Happy to learn through this post that it's In the works, and looking forward to seeing it in a release soon!


I learned about your technique through Maciej Sawicki, who was kind enough to point me to this post, were it appears to have originated with you, so with your permission, I will commence to refer to your technique as the "Mogarick Indirection Technique" until JustinMind adds "Trigger" or remote "Click "events to the product, instead of calling it the "Sawicki Indirection Technique."



Thank you for the credit!

I'm glad the workaround I proposed has been useful. But at the same time I'm sad because it looks JIM has not implemented a real solution even though it's been about 4 years since Rousell Huston suggested and almost 2 years since I posted the work around.

It would be great to get official word of JIM about why this feature has been relegated for so long.


As the ever-wise Maciej Sawicki commented on another post, we recognize that this Justinmind is a prototyping tool, not a development environment, so this request may float down your backlog, as it addresses the needs of a small minority of your most d̶e̶m̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ advanced users.

Still, any word you could give us on this long-awaited feature would be welcome.


Hello from 2016. Has this feature been implemented yet, and I just haven't found it, or is it still languishing in the backlog? Thanks!


Hi Dave,

Unfortunately there is no set date yet to the implementation. However as a workaround you can try using the "on variable change" .

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Sonia Durán

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