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How to show popup one time when open page

Answered NhaPhuong 6 years ago


I have a screen with popup full screen and exit button to hide it. I want to show this popup one time when loading page, if user choose hide, I want it not to show again when I have link to it. How can i do it?

Replies (1)

Hi there,

1. Create a variable, with no default value

2. On the screen with the popup, create an "On Page Load" + "Show" event. Have it show the pop up. Create another event that's "On Page Load" + "Set value" event. Have it set the value to the variable. Enter the value as 'shown'

3. Create a condition for the event, that is When... [variable] = ' ' [leave this blank]. This will result in the pop up only being shown when the variable has no value.

I've attached an example prototype. Let me know if you have any questions.




Thank you for your answer. Your file, this is my problem, but i can't see details of event or condition for an event.

The step 3, i can't see condition ' ' [leave this blank], i don't understand it. Please give me more information. Example: video step by step of you.


To see the condition, make sure you are looking at the base page of Screen 1. You can do this by clicking on the base screen (icon that looks like a computer monitor) in the outline palette. I have also attached two images - one is the event that you will see when you select the base screen. The other is the condition. The condition detects if the variable is blank. Does that make sense?

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