Hidden layers showing in 'simulate'

Answered Laura 6 years ago

I've got layers hidden in my template I'm working in, but then when I go to simulate, those hidden layers appear. Any insight into what I'm doing wrong?

The black and orange is only suppose to show on hover. I created a transparent rectangle and am using it for the trigger, but those layers should start off hidden, and then show when you run over the trigger. If I mouse-over and then mouse-off, it behaves like it should, but it starts off showing when it should start hidden.

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Replies (2)

Hi Laura,

The components in your prototype shown in the hiddenlayers.png aren't actually hidden during simulation, just while editing. To hide a component during simulation, select it and look to the properties palette. There, tick the 'hide component' box.



Worked like a champ! Thanks!

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