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Is there a way to maintain scroll position when linking screens?

Answered Victor Conesa 8 years ago

Hey, I have a closed fly-out menu half-way down the page on one image and when I'm linking to the next image where the fly-out is open. The problem I'm having is it doesn't maintain the scroll position and pulls the image to the top.

Replies (7)

Hi Stef,

You should create a "Scroll to" event and select the menu.


Sonia Durán


Hi there

I have a similar issue. I have screens that scroll and on the screen are radio buttons than when clicked reveal more content directly below (progressive reveal) but when you click on the radio button the next screen just loads and pushes the revealed content off the screen, requiring the user ti have to scroll down again.

So how can I set it that no matter where the radio buttons on the screen, when clicked, the content appears directly below, even though the demo is loading a whole new screen?


Hi Scott,

Create an 'on page load' -> 'scroll to' event and select the radio buttons as the scroll destination.




Unfortunately when I add a scroll to event, it loads the page and positions the element at the very top of the screen, but that interferes with navigational elements I have on the screen.

If I click on the radio button halfway down the page I want the new page to load and keep the position of the radio button as it was halfway down the oage, or where for that matter the initial click on the previous screen took place.

Any thoughts please?


Hi Scott,

You could create another 'scroll to' event that scrolls to another element that is positioned so the radio button will appear halfway down the page.




I've created an event that if i click on a button of screen 1, the user is taken to screen 2. how do i maintain the same scroll position between the screens so that when the user gets to screen 2, it's at the same scroll position as screen 1 at the time when the button was clicked? Adding a "scroll to" event upon a "page load" for screen 2 doesn't work because i don't want to see the user to see the actual scroll.


Hi there,

Unfortunately the user will need to see the scroll, as the page will cannot automatically be scrolled without a 'scroll to' event.



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