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login validation and verification

In Progress YK266 5 years ago

Hi can anyone help me in making my validation and verification work for my login page. I have tried reproducing the login condition which I found online and changing that to where the usernames are not equal but it is not showing the error message to tell the user that the username is wrong or the password is wrong. So I was wondering if anyone can hep and give a solution. As well as this is there a way to hide the password (make it look like a traditional password) and translate the username as lower case whatever the user inputs?

Please help, thank you!

- Yasin

Replies (1)

Sure - we've done a few things here:

1. There's no need for the 'on tap' + 'set value' event that removes the value of the Input Text Field elements. You can just use a placeholder in the Properties palette.

2. To hide the password, we changed its 'type' in the Properties palette to 'password'.

3. We changed the conditions to check if 0 of the values match the login and the password, instead of ≠ 1.

4. We also separated the actions out into separate interactions, since we want them all to be checked after you click 'Login', rather than only checking one and then stopping when it's validated. Then, we added a 'Hide' action, which updates the message if the user's correctly types in a username/password after the first try.

You mentioned translating the username to lowercase after the user inputs. We could do that, but then it would never match what's entered in the Data Master, because the Data Master usernames are only uppercase.


Thank you so much for your help Danielle! Really appreciate it!

But on the subject of the username. The way I mean is that on the data master although its in caps even if the user enters lowercase the information is seen as something different. Is there a way regardless of how the user enters the username it will match with the username?

Nonetheless thank you once again for sorting out the issues!

- Yasin


No problem! Happy to help.

I understand what you're looking for with the username now. While we could add extra parts onto the expression to check for that, it would actually be easier to use a separate text element off screen that will store whatever's entered in the username Input Text Field. To do this, we've created an "On Focus Out" + "Set Value" event on the Input Text Field that changes the value of the off screen text element. The value is the Input Text Field's value, but transformed to uppercase. We can then change the 'Login' button conditions to check to see if the Login info in the Data Master matches the text element instead.

This way, you'll be able to technically enter in an all lower-case value in the input text field, and still have it work.


Thanks once again Danielle! Will it be possible to put it in this file though I tried to copy the event but it didn't work. As well as this do you have any idea on how to do a concept forgotten password page whereby the data master of the information will be updated? Thank you for all the help provided regardless.

- Yasin


Actually don't worry about it Danielle. I've figured out how to do it. But cannot stress enough. Thank you for help in getting me through my prototype!

- Yasin

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