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Comments toggle button doesn't appear in Simulation or HTML export

Known Jon 4 years ago


I noticed that I can't see the comment toggle button in the simulation window or the html export. I have seen another post talking about how you can toggle the comments in the HTML, but my problem is that the button does not appear.

I wrote a comment attached to a button, and I cannot see it in simulation or html, as I can't toggle the visibility of comments because I don't have the button.

How can I toggle the comments in the html? Thank you.

Replies (1)

It sounds like you exported the HTML without comments. You'll need to re-export the prototype to include comments. You should see an option to include them when you export. If you don't see it, go to Preferences > tick the 'ask for comments inclusion' box.


I forgot to mention that I selected that include comments option when exporting, and nothing changed. The comments didn't appear, and the comments toggle button is not there either.


That's very odd - can you attach the prototype here so we can check this out? You can compress it to .zip/.rar to attach it here.


Yes. I attached two screenshots too, the first one shows that the comment exists, and the second one is the html export after selecting the import comments option. I tried with different browsers, and all of them present the same problem. Moreover, the simulation shows the same behavior.

The curious thing is that in the html folder generated with the export, there is a file inside the comments folder named annotations. It's a JSON file, and it contains the comments I did.

So it actually got the comments, but for some reason they are not being shown, as I can't turn on their toggle button.


I can upload the HTML folder if you want it too. Thank you.


Unfortunately due to some browser updates, we had to change the way the export to HTML functions. Comments can now only be viewed when publishing a prototype to your online account.

We're going to update some of our documentation to reflect this.


Thank you for the answer.

So, if I understood correctly, right now it is totally impossible to export html code with the comments, no matter the way you use to generate that code.


Yes, that's correct. You can still view the text of the comments by opening the annotations.json file in the comments folder of the exported prototype in a text editor.


is the problem still not fixed? tks

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