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Hello I am trying to add someone as a developer but it does not show them anything as a developer ui

Answered Shubham 4 years ago

They dont receive the mail of 'invited as a developer' rather they get the mail 'invited you to reviw the prototype', even after adding someone as a developer. Can you let me know what am I doing wrong ?


Shubham Desai

Replies (1)

Hello, did you follow the steps in this tutorial? https://www.justinmind.com/support/design-handoff-for-developers/#creating-a-developer

If you did and this problem still occurred please let me know.

Thank you,




Yes I did the same steps and it shows the developers I created in the my profile but developers don't receive the email saying 'invited as a developer rather they receive mail saying 'invited you to review the prototype'. I am using version 9.1.0

I tried every possible thing I know about it but still can't fix it. If you can help me with this, will be very kind of you.



In terms of email, reviewers and developers are the same. So the language of the email can go either way and be fine.

Could you attach a screenshot of your Developers section on your account so we can help figure out what the issue is?

Thank you kindly,


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