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Creating dynamic tree

Need Answer Sumit Sureka 3 years ago

Is it possible to create a dynamic tree? For Example if i would like to create a hierarchy tree in the company.

So, the data master table has the following rows:

Employee Role, Supervisor, Team Members, etc...


CTO, CEO, (Product Mgr,Technical Audit Mgr),

Product Mgr, CTO, (Technical Mgr)


and then display as follows when a user clicks each + area

+ CEO - If + is clicked then:


|__ +CTO

|__ +CFO

If + is clicked for CTO, then:


|__ - CTO

|__ + Product Mgr

|__ +Audit Mgr

|__ + CFO

So, if a new row is added then i should be able to add it in the tree dynamically

Please do let me know if this can be possible?

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