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Pinned elements not working with slide transition effect

Known Randall Corley 3 years ago

Love the app, but am having one problem. If I have pinned elements (e.g., pinning an element to the center), it doesn't work properly when using a slide transition and viewing on an actual device. In many cases after a slide transition, the element that is pinned to the center ends up halfway off of the screen justified in the upper left corner of the screen after the slide transition and (see attached file where the help screen is moved to the upper left corner and is halfway off the page). In other words, rather than the object being centered in the screen, the center of the pinned object ends up on the left side of the screen so that only half of the element is visible. In this example the element's X coordinate is set to "Pin center" - 0. If I remove the slide transition and navigate to the screen with no transition effects, everything is properly centered as pinned. Also, this is only an issue when publishing a prototype for viewing on an actual device (an iPhone in my case). When simulating the prototype in the browser it works as expected.

I have found three solutions to this, none of which are optimal:

(1) Unpin the elements. However, since the elements are no longer pinned, the screens don't look as good on actual devices due to differences in screen width.

(2) Remove the slide transition animations. However, this makes for a less realistic and somewhat awkward experience of the user interface.

(3) Only view the item in the browser and not on an actual device. However, the ability to view prototypes on a device is one of the features that attracted me to Justinmind in the first place.

Is this a know issue that is to be resolved?

Replies (7)

Hello, I'm sorry that you are having problems with your prototype, thanks for the information, we will be sending it to our specialist and we will get back to you.



Thanks very much. I look forward to your feedback.


Hello, Can you confirm that what you are navigating with transitions to a screen that has an element pinned to the center?

This element that does not stay anchored when making a transition, does it stay off-center only for a second or does it stay permanently as in the attached screenshot?

What version of IOS are you using?

Can you send us the prototype?




That is correct. The issue happens when I navigate to a screen using transition animation where the target screen includes pinned elements. The element stays permanently off center when this occurs.

Again, this only happens when viewing a prototype on an actual device. I am using an iPhone 11 with the latest iOS version (15.3).

I've attached a prototype that demonstrates this issue. There are 2 buttons on the initial page - one button that opens the target screen using transition animation (in which case the pinned elements in the target are halfway off screen), and one button that opens the target without transition animation (in which case the elements in the target display correctly).

Thank you for looking at this so promptly.


Hello, we have found a bug that affects elements that are only pinned on X or Y, but not both at the same time. It will be fixed in future releases. As a workaround, I suggest that apart from the three things that you already mentioned, you can also pin the Y of the elements that are failing you (and then you can move them to adjust the position) so that they are pinned both in the X and in the Y

I hope this information is useful to you.



Adding the Y pin has taken care of the issue and it looks and works great now. Thanks very much for your help!


I'm glad it worked.

Let us know if we can help with anything else.


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