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Making a Logo

Need Answer Khairuddinkaihan 3 years ago

Hello, I am currently designing/prototyping my website and I am also trying to make a logo for it. When designing I played around with shapes and texts to make the perfect one for my job. But I have used circles, triangles and other shapes and they act as individual parts, and I don't want that.

What I want is to be able to select the part of the combined picture that I want to have for my logo and nothing else. How is this possible?

The goal is to put it on the header and make it so that the clicking part doesn't expand outside the header.

Thanks in advance! //Kaihan

Best Answer

Hello, I have combined the elements of your logo in a dynamic panel, now you can move your logo without moving the elements in it. let me know if this is the result you were looking for.


Replies (3)

Hello, I have combined the elements of your logo in a dynamic panel, now you can move your logo without moving the elements in it. let me know if this is the result you were looking for.



Yes exactly what I wanted! Thanks!


No problem!

Let us know if we can help you with anything else.


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