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Replace Icon

Known Marc Swindle 2 years ago

Just started the demo and the first thing I did was drag a navigation tab bar into my mockup. I want to replace the icons with others from the library but keep the interactions. And I can't do that? I found years old responses that it wasn't possible, but tell me that it's been fixed please.

Replies (10)

Hello, could you tell me which element you are using? could you send me a screenshot?



This is just an example. I want to replace the icon on all of these tabs but save the actions attributed to them.


Hello, in case you want to change the image and keep the event, you could copy paste and attach the event to the image holder, if you need an example, you could attach your .vp to provide you with a sample.



Thanks for trying to help. I'm using the default component for a 4 button tab bar provided by the software. I should be able to click on the star for example, and change it to another icon from the icons pallets. A simple function available in every other mockup software I've used.

Since this is the first thing I tried, I don't really have a file to share. Hit this roadblock right away and stopped.


Hello Marc, I am attaching an example, below I detail the steps I followed:

Select the icon you want to change and go to the events palette.

Use the copy button to copy all events.

Replace the image and from the events palette paste the previously copied events.

Once you have replaced the images and pasted the events, go to a different icon and make sure you redirect the last event which is the one that gives you the style reset effect (I attached images of this last step).

Let me know if the information was useful to you.



Thank you. This will be helpful but you are skipping over the part that I don't understand. How do I "replace the image"? If I drill down and select the Heart, how to I replace it with a different icon so it's in the same frame? I can't drag a new icon into it, I can't select it and paste a new icon to replace it or select the new icon from the icon library.


Hi Marc, the menu is created in a dynamic panel, you can drag an icon from the library or use an image, holding control; drag the image/icon inside the holder. You will see a blue tint when you do.

Let me know how it goes.



I see a blue tint, but it doesn't replace the original icon, just inserts it above or below. Is it accurate that you cannot replace an icon and maintain attributes? If that's the case, I can work around it using the techniques that you suggest, it just seems cumbersome.


Hi, sorry for the misunderstanding, once you copy the events from the events palette, you can delete the icon and put a new one and paste the copied events.



Ok, so in summary, you cannot replace an icon and maintain the originals attributes. You have to copy the attributes (events) from the original, insert the new icon into the original icons frame, paste the attributes, delete the old icon.

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