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Data master/grid update within the same screen

Known Mauro Biscotti 23 months ago

Dear Sirs, I created on the same screen a data grid and the input fields to populate it with a new record (trough a data master of course) linking the data grid event to a button.

Somehow, the arrangement does not seem to work; at simulation time, the pressure of the button does create a record in the data master, but is not displayed in the data grid: the graphic widget seems to fail in updating itself.

If I move the input fields and the event button to a different screen, everything works fine.

How can insert a value in a data grid without leaving the screen? Best regards.

Replies (3)

Hello, I am attaching an example, in the button you will see the event to add the record to your data master and the set value event that will update the data list.

let me know if this is what you need.



Thank you very much, it works perfectly!


You are welcome! let us know if we can help you with anything else.


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