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Loading exported prototype in a div

Known Aquananu 20 months ago

hi i have to load the exported output in div depending on the button selected, its that the customer should be able to view depending upon the multiple choices i share on a customised page so they dont get the links to the prototypes

also i intend to use the exported content as pages for production which are loaded on ajax in a div

i had evaluated just in mind earlier in nov 2022, now was planning to execute a project using JIM and subscribe for a month, just wanted to be sure before i spend,

has anyone ever used the protoype output in production environment, if yes then share how

Replies (3)

Hello, the projects generated by Justinmind are not intended to be a final application. In any case, you can try all the features of Justinmind for 10 days.



thanks for the reply, pleaase advise the reason for not using the projjects generated for final application, we wish to use them as the final design, it helps us reduce the development time, the programmers can focus on the code for the actions behind the scene not have to focus on the coding for design

Please please let JIM code be used for final product

kindly allow this to be show to others forum users so you can get the opinion of the masses.


Hello, we appreciate your suggestion, we will take it into consideration.



Please change the topic to one of the below

Survey - Using Exported HTML in final Production environment

Survey - JIM as an IDE for creating Screens for use in final application

Survey - JIM exported code useable in Applications


hi, is it possible to set the path to be converted to absolute instead of relative in all the code, value the base url can be taken from the requested url

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