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Can Justinmind import HTML?

Completed Victor Conesa 13 years ago

Can JIM import HTML/CSS/Images from an existing web page? Someone told me it can but I cannont figure out how to do that. Thanks!

Best Answer

You can use the HTML widget to embed some existing assets from a website. For example, you can grab the HTML of a chart or other kind of container.

Replies (16)

You have different options to do so. One is to copy and paste text from your browser to Prototyper and, depending on the browser, the text will have the same styles (if you copy to MS Word and then copy from MS Word to Prototyper you will be able to pass more styles from your HTML to Prototyper). You can copy and paste images from the browser to Prototyper directly. The other is to make a snapshot of your app in the browser and then paste it in Prototyper, then capture the colors using the capture color tool. The last one is used when you want to use your html inside the prototype as it was an iframe. Then use the HTML widgets.

I hope that helps


Importing a site into Justinmind would be a huge feature. I already have a site and I am using the tool to prototype changes. Being able to import a page would be a big time saver. Of course I understand how complex something like that would be, but that is a feature that would cause me to use one tool over the other.


Thanks Victor! That wasn't what I was hoping for but still may prove useful in the future. I was hoping it worked closer to what Austin described below. I agree with him that it would be huge for making improvements to existing sites, which is also what I am doing at the moment. Thanks for your help!


I agree, and we are in our way to, at least, be able to import css styles to Prototyper. An entire web site would be a huge work to do but we have some ideas to do something like that. Meanwhile what our users do is to copy and paste screenshots of their websites and animate them with image maps and even placing content above the image. For instance you can drag an input field above your image's input and remove the border.


+1, Bump, etc. Not every project is new. Most projects are most recognizable to the client if they look like the existing site. Is there any update on this desired functionality?


We plan to add CSS import feature in 2013.


Thanks, Victor. Not just CSS, but HTML, too, I guess?


HTML? Those are big words. Any kind of HTML code?


I appreciate that, Victor. I sense that you guys seem paralyzed by how big it could be. But I do notice that I can drag and drop images from a web browser into JIM. Just the images for a lot of pages would suffice as a "placeholder" for the page. Theoretically, you could have some PERLish function which strips away a lot of HTML, leaving maybe only the most basic tags, maybe html, head, body, img, table, etc. Eventually, this could be an add-in/feature of JIM, "New Simulation from Website", and then "Import Simulation from Website Here". This should probably be implemented as SaaS, for an extra fee, but I should get a free pass for suggesting it :)

Right now I have a situation where there's an existing site, and a separate shopping cart, plus 3 or 4 other systems, including a CRM system.

The reason I am proposing to use JIM is to avoid implementation-specific details, and Holy Wars on CMS selection. It would be awesome to be able to just grab a few screens from each system for a quickstart.


> we are in our way to, at least, be able to import css styles to Prototyper

Any update on this?


We plan to add it on 2nd quarter of 2013


What's the latest on expected release date for this functionality?


Hopefully the CSS import option will be available by the end of the present year.


Any news on this?


Unfortunately this feature will not be available for the next update.

We'll let you know when we have more info related to this functionality.


You can use the HTML widget to embed some existing assets from a website. For example, you can grab the HTML of a chart or other kind of container.


How can I do that can you Help me

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