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Clicking to change text from a dropdown doesn't change text value.

Solved Victor Conesa 9 years ago

I've been having an issue where I can't change text attributes from the dropdown menus by clicking. I select my text field, open the dropdown, click to change the text (font/size) but the change doesn't take place. I have to select the text then click in the menu and use the up/down arrows and hit enter for the change to happen. Not sure if this is related to it being a shared prototype as this issue doesn't happen all the time.

Best Answer

This issue has been fixed for a while. If you encounter an issue like this now, please comment and let us know.

Replies (8)

Hello Bart,

I'm afraid this is not in relation to the prototype being shared, as this behavior should not occur either way. When the font needs to be changed, you should be able to select the widget and click on the font in the dropdown menu to make the change. Therefore, our team would like to investigate this further. To do so, we would be grateful if you could provide the following information:

1. Your full system specifications

2. The name of the widget exhibiting this behavior (I am assuming you are using the text input field widget)




I'm on a MacBook Pro running Yosemite. 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7. The issue doesn't happen all the time, only after an hour or so having the prototype open. It happens when I have text selected or click on a text block and click the font size or font weight dropdown.


I'm having the same issue, but using the arrow keys to go down the menu and hitting enter does not work for me as a workaround. :(

I'm using a MacBook Pro as well, but with a 2.6 GHz i5. I'm running OS 10.10.4. 8GB of DDR3 ram.

For what it's worth, since I know previous versions of Justinmind have had issues regarding text on retina displays, my MacBook has a retina display but I have an external Dell monitor hooked up to it.

The text size menu keeps defaulting to "Infinity" whenever I make an attempt to change the size.


A bit of an update to my issue:

I unchecked "AutoFit Text" to see if it had any effect. Now the size change shows as long as the text is highlighted, but now as soon as I click away from it it goes back to the default.


I am having the same problem. Sadly, if we can' t find a solution for this, I may not be able to use Justinmind for our prototypes. Not being able to change the font size is a deal-breaker. :-(

I am also using a Macbook Pro, running Yosemite. The font family, color, and style all change as they should -- but not the font size.


For both Marti and I (we work together), quitting the application and reopening it is a good temporary workaround. It does seem to be a sporadic issue, but it is frustrating when it happens.


Quick update... We quit JustinMind and restarted the application, and then the font sizing worked fine. The problem seems to be sporadic. If I can figure out a consistent way to reproduce it, I'll post the details.


This issue has been fixed for a while. If you encounter an issue like this now, please comment and let us know.

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