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How to detete a selected item from a listbox

Not a Problem Khaled el gharbi 7 years ago

I want to be able to delete items from a list box using data master, I have already been able to create new items, using a data master and a counter that increment at every button click, following the creation of the new item using the data master that does the concatenation of "a name" and the number in the counter, so it's like (value 1; value 2; ....; value n), and finally setting the value in the list box using the data master previously created (see picture attached "for button event")

Is there a possible way to delete items individually ?

Replies (3)

Dear Khaled,

The following tutorial should help: https://www.justinmind.com/support/delete-rows-from-a-data-list-in-your-web-prototypes/


Sonia Durán


Thank you Sonia for your response, but I'm not using a data list, I'm using a list box :/


Dear Khaled,

Unfortunately, there isn't an option that permits to delete the exact item however you could try using a set value in order to display the items that need to shown at the list each time you are deleting one of them. The easiest and best solution would be using a datamaster instead of a list box.


Sonia Durán


That's what I needed to know. Thank you Sonia.

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