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How to replace an icon?

Answered FTP 7 years ago


If I drag and drop an "iPhone iOS > Forms and controls > Text input text with label and icon" object and want to replace the default icon (a "Plus") by a "Lock" from the iOS Icons library, how can we do it easily?

I just want to replace the image at the same place.

So far I can only delete the default icon, drag and drop the new one and try to resize and place it at the same place. It's really not user friendly.

Thanks for your help!

Replies (2)

Hi there,

If you expand the group in the outline panel, click on image_33, and then look to the properties panel, you'll be able to replace the image with another image and it will be the same size and in the same position as the old image.





"...you'll be able to replace the image with another image..."


If I look at the properties there's only 6 buttons:

- Flip horizontal (useless)

- Flip vertical (useless)

- Set original size (useless)

- Export image file (useless)

- Browse... (only heavy option)

- Clear (useless)

So the only option I can see is to browse to look for another image file on the hard disk.

But that's really not what we expect.

On the left side you have nice icon libraries. So we obviously expect "something like" drag & drop the new one on the current image to replace it.

Otherwise a detailed version of your answer (if I understand well) would be:

- Search for the new icon you would like in the library

- Drag & drop it on the screen

- Go to the image properties

- Click on Export image file

- Save the file wherever you want

- Click on/select the image you want to replace

- In its properties, click on Browse...

- Find the new image you've just saved somewhere on your disk

- Ask to replace the existing image by the new one

- And... most of the time, click on Set original size as by default it's rescaled and doesn't look nice.

That's what I call a heavy solution and that's why I'm asking if there's an easy/modern option, specifically when we're talking about Justinmind build-in icons?



Apologies for any confusion. Double click on the image in the properties panel and you'll be able to replace it.


Thanks for the support!

> Double click on the image in the properties panel and you'll be able to replace it.

Ok but that's strictly equivalent to the [Browse...] button.

Unless I missed something, there's still no easy way to choose one icon from the library :-/


Hi, I have the same question, I need to reeplace an icon from the library for another also from the library (not from hard drive).


So far I didn't found any solution and I now doubt there's any.

If there was one it would have been given by now. JIM staffs are monitoring the forums and no one provided any procedure to this very basic question.

To be added to their roadmap IMO. But it's very surprising that it's not done yet as it's what everyone would spontaneously look for when it comes to change an icon: just drag and drop the new one on the old one, or its settings.


Hi there,

There are a couple of ways if you want to avoid breaking the structure. First, you should drag and drop the widget icon you want to use, then go to "properties" and select "Export Image File". Once saved on the disk, go to the image that you want to replace and double-click. Then select the new file saved on the disk.Another option would be placing the new icon on top of the old and through the outline move the new icon next to the old icon and delete it. Maybe this option is a bit more difficult to understand and is not as reliable as the other one.




> Another option would be placing the new icon on top of the old and through

> the outline move the new icon next to the old icon and delete it.

That's the method I use. But it's really not efficient.

> you should drag and drop... then go to "properties"... select "Export Image File"...

> saved on the disk... go to the image... double-click... then select the new file saved on the disk

Still nothing easy.

IMHO, still to add on the roadmap to just drag & drop on an existing icon or on an icon setting (preview image area for example).

Thanks for your answer.


Dear FTP,

Thank you for your suggestion, we'll take it into account on future updates.



This is a must-have... any timeframe when this will be available ?


Unfortunately no, but we have let our team know about the demand for this.


When will this be added? Seems like basic functionality that should have been implemented from the get-go?


it's been 3 years and this is still not implemented :(

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