Improve Group functionality

Completed Victor Conesa 13 years ago

Overall, I really like Justinmind (though I have only been using it for about one week), but I do find that Groups can be frustrating to work with in this program. Grouping elements together in a logical and consistent manner is a key element in UX design, so this is not a minor issue. I find that I am constantly having to group and ungroup elements and assign the same event to multiple objects.

I would suggest the following enhancements.

1. Give developers a method of selecting an item within a group (Adobe uses a different selector, which might be the best solution).

2. Either enable developers to set an event for a group, or enable developers to select multiple objects that events act upon (or best of all both). I do notice that it is possible to multi-select screens in the "Link to" section of the Interaction screen, but it is not possible to select multiple objects in the other sections. This seems like an unnecessary inconsistency.

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Addendum: I guess after trying a little more, I find that #1 has already been implemented. You can select groups as well as individual items within groups. It is, however, a little difficult to select the desired one. I think Adobe's implementation of a different selector is a better option.


I never got a reply on the ability to add events to grouped items. I find that I am spending a great deal of time add interactions to objects that have already been grouped together. This is a big time waster.


Implemented in 4.6.1


Thanks again!


It would be really great to be able to add events to groups.

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