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Macos Sierra, open multiple windows with differents projects

Under Consideration Vincent Sandt 8 years ago

If you already updated to sierra, you can experience that you are no more able to open a project in a new windows using the justinmind interface. I searched for a workaround about one hour and i found one :

- open your first prototype using classic launcher (click the justinmind icon an load the first prototype)

next save it as a file on your computer if it's not already saved as a file and close it.

- create a new prototype or open an another one.

finally to open the two prototypes in two separated windows, open the second prototype by clicking the file in the finder.

now you have two prototype opened in two different windows.

hope that can help.

Replies (3)

Hi Vincent,

Which version are you using? We haven't been able to reproduce this issue with 7.4.0 version and using Sierra.


Sonia Durán


When I open a prototype using File > Recently opened prototype or Teamwork > Open shared prototype, these actions open the prototype in the same window.

I just realize when I use File > Open, it open the prototype in a new window

I don't know if it's a bug or a feature

Version (Ver. 7.4.0)


Hi Vincent,

You are right. The "Open Shared Prototypes" option is not working. It's a bug that will need to be solved by our development team on future updates. Thank you for reporting it.


Sonia Durán

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