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my prototyping tool won't open

Solved Victor Conesa 11 years ago

I click on the app and the title of prototype pro shows up but the program does not open. Also, I have the old version occasionally open and then crash. Please help.

Replies (4)

Usually this happens if the application is starting and it’s closed before the workspace is completely loaded. This is currently fixed and will be included in our next release planned to be released ina few weeks. Meanwhile you can follow the next steps to solve your problem:

1. In this process you are going to delete your workspace configuration, so if you have any 'My widget' you want to keep, go to “your user folder”/Justinmind/5.1.0 and make a backup of the “etc” folder (e.g. you can copy this folder on your desktop).

2. Close the Justinmind Prototyper application. Please make sure that the application is totally closed ( you can use the “Force quit” option), in other case these instructions will not work.

3. Go to your user folder then open ‘Justinmind’ folder and remove all the contents inside it ( 5.0.0, 5.1.0, ...).

4. If you try to open Prototyper Pro again this time should start properly.


I have the same problem and the above steps do not work. I am running Pro version 5.1 on a Mac. I had it open and running when we experienced a blackout. After turning things back on the application won't start past the point described above.

I have reinstalled several times to no effect.


fixed it by backing up my prototype and then completely removing all JIM files and reinstalling.


why i can't use tool "close" in justinmind?

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