Odd redraw bug when collapsing items in outline

Solved Dave 9 years ago

I recorded the behavior here:


Steps taken above:

Collapsed "Author_6" in outline — Note that "Author_6" remains where it was, overlaying most of the contents of "Author_7"

Used the scrollwheel on my mouse to scroll down, revealing that "Author_6" is actually near the bottom of the screen (as it appears near the end of the outline, and nothing below it is expanded)

Collapsed "Author_7" in outline — Note that "Author_7" remains where it was, overlaying most of the outline above it

Used the scrollwheel on my mouse to scroll down, revealing that "Author_7" is now also quite near the bottom of the screen

This is mostly an inconvenience, as scrolling the outline causes it to redraw, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention.

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Replies (1)

Hi Dave,

Thanks for reporting this bug and sorry for the inconvenience.

It is already reported to the dev team.



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