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Right click not working on DataGrid

In Progress Lauren Newton 5 years ago

I have a data grid and want a menu to appear when a row is right clicked.

Right now in the latest JustinMind release, the right click event does not fire when right clicking on a row.

My event is to show a hidden menu and move it to the position of the cursor. It works when I put the event on other elements. Just not on the data row. No other events are on the row.

Replies (1)

So far we haven't been able to reproduce this (right-click triggers are working on a Data Grid cell). If possible, can you attach the .vp file here so we can check this out? You can compress it to .zip/.rar format to attach it here.


Sure! Thanks so much! The event is on the row, not an individual cell.


Looks like a bug! I've sent that to our team and we'll fix this. For now, I've added the right-click events to each individual row and input, where the right-click is working correctly.


Ok thanks! That seems like a good workaround for now.

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