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Scroll not work in a "View on Device"

Solved Victor Conesa 8 years ago

I ́m design an app for Android wich principal screen is a scroll screen, well, when i Simulate on the PC it works perfectly but when i use de option "View on device" the scroll doesn ́t work.

I made the scroll, three screens, by "Add event", Gesture and link the 1 wiht the 2, 2 wiht the 3 and viceversa to scroll up and dow.

How can i make to work it on mi phone?

Replies (3)

Hi Erika,

Could you please share with us via dropbox / wetransfer the vp file with the example, so we can analyse and see what may be happening?


Sonia Durán


Hi Sonia, thanks for the fast reply and i ́m sorry for my delay response. What is the mail to send the vp file?



Hi Erika,

If you are a client you can send us the vp file through our Customer Support Portal. In case you are a free user or you are using a trial, you will need to share your vp file with a Dropbox link here.


Sonia Durán

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