1. Open app
2. Do some work for 30-60 minutes
3. Click Reshare
Result: error. Restart of the app needed to reshare.
Expected: reshare.
Hi Dimitry,
We're sorry you're experiencing this error. In order to help with resolving this, may I ask if you could attach your log files here when this happens?
You can find the logs by going to:On PC: C://users/youruser/Justinmind[version]/logs.log
On Mac [folder of the user]/justinmind/version/logs.log
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Hi Dimitry,
We're sorry you're experiencing this error. In order to help with resolving this, may I ask if you could attach your log files here when this happens?
You can find the logs by going to:On PC: C://users/youruser/Justinmind[version]/logs.log
On Mac [folder of the user]/justinmind/version/logs.log
Hi Dimitry,
We're sorry you're experiencing this error. In order to help with resolving this, may I ask if you could attach your log files here when this happens?
You can find the logs by going to:On PC: C://users/youruser/Justinmind[version]/logs.log
On Mac [folder of the user]/justinmind/version/logs.log
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