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Windows 10 scaling

Not a Problem graham 7 years ago

hi i'm using v8.0.1 on the latest win 10 build. I have used the JIM on a HD and QHD screen and am having some problems with scaling of text compared to other apps. I have compared It to my axure and can see on HD screen I have to use 175% scaling and QHD I have to use 250% scaling respectively; whereas on the other apps I am able to use HD 100% and QHD 175% respectively.

The lower scaling % allows more 'space' to work in and make the text easier to work with. Is this a bug or part of your roadmap to work with scaling in windows 10? examples attached

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Hey Graham,

Look for and launch this file and it will fix the issue:

C:Program Files (x86)JustinmindJustinmind Prototyper 8.0.1 JustinmindPrototyperHiDPI.exe

Let me know how this works for you.




that's what I was missing. I've updated my shortcuts to use that version instead.

must have missed that update when I didn't rtfm. :)


Glad to hear that! :)

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