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Wrong screen resolution from XD plugin to Justininmind

Answered Sofie H. Other Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Danielle S.
1 vote

How to use UIkit icons

Answered Michel UI Libraries & Widgets Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Michel
1 vote

buy the license

Solved Equivida Subscriptions & Licenses Comments: 6 Reply 5 years ago by Equivida
1 vote

Auto Embed Font | EMBED FOREVER

Under Consideration Prabha UI Libraries & Widgets Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Danielle S.
3 votes

Prototyping for Voice Over

Answered Istem Events, Animations, Effects Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Danielle S.
1 vote
2 votes

Importing with XD plugin

In Progress Adavis Integration with Design Tools Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Adavis
1 vote

Trial expired in 1 day

In Progress Romibackdoor Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Danielle S.
2 votes