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3 votes

No Subgroups?

Answered Victor C. Other Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Bernat
1 vote

Not enough conditions

Answered Victor C. Conditions, variables & expressions Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Bernat
1 vote

Axure user struggling with button states

Answered Victor C. Other Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote

Make tabs highlighted on click

Answered Victor C. User Interface & Updates Comments: 2 Reply 8 years ago by Enrique C.
2 votes

Option to Clear All Guides

Under Consideration Rebecca User Interface & Updates Comments: 2 Reply 8 years ago by Bernat
1 vote

global and page functions

Completed Victor C. Scenarios & Requirements Comments: 2 Reply 8 years ago by Enrique C.
9 votes