Justinmind version 10.7.4
What’s new
- New devices: Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+
Bugs fixed
- Fixed issue with file names containing a dot when saving on Windows 11.
- Fixed some crashes.
Justinmind version 10.7
What’s new
- iPhone 16 devices, Pixel 9, and 9 Pro.
- iOS 18 library.
- Design templates integrated in the home screen.
- Improved experience managing UI libraries.
Bugs fixed
- Fixed issues calculating object position on drag start when combining actions.
- Fixed issues with relative position drag on simulation.
- Two finger controls on mobile applications now work correctly.
- Fixed issue with Pen tool and rounded path points.
- Crop feature now works correctly with flipped SVG images.
- Fixed unnecessary scrollbars in the multi-select list.
- Folders now appear in user flows during simulation.
- Fixed copying SVG code from text fields.
- Fixed issue with rotating a master instance.
- Fixed issue with SVG image and overlay color.
- Dropdown association with a category attribute in data master now works correctly.
- Style change events to the font family now apply correctly.
- Fixed rotate cursor for a line in zoom increases.
- Fixed text flicker when navigating screens in simulation.
- Fixed issues with groups within layouts or master components.
- Copy-paste now works correctly with grouped elements.
- Fixed some crashes.
Justinmind version 10.6
What’s new
- Enable/disable scrollbars in text table cells.
Bugs fixed
- SVGs with flip are now working correctly in simulation mode.
- Pasting a condition now works correctly if a condition already exists on the target.
- Fixed rotation handler position on lines.
- Fixed project save issues when copying/pasting master instances.
- Added tips in the event dialog.
- Fixed some crashes.
Justinmind version 10.5
Bugs fixed
- Fixed bug combining Click + change style with onMouseOver + change style.
- Fixed issues with anchor points on paths.
- Fixed issues joining paths.
- Fixed issue refreshing Masters.
- Using color picker on lines now works correctly.
- Dynamic panel rotation now works correctly.
- Improved editing screen properties.
- Fixed memory leak in screens thumbnails.
- Issue with screens creation feedback in user flows.
- Fixed resize of the whole user flow.
- Order error when copying screens between folders now works correctly.
- Fixed feedback when moving a mask.
- Interaction rename now works correctly.
- Fixed issue renaming layers.
- Fixed unexpected error when moving lines in a user flow.
- Fixed bug in dynamic panel layout.
- Fixed issue when adding a click + set value event to a Select component.
- Fixed exporting images with a shadow.
- Focus now works correctly when editing an input field.
- Scrolling now works properly when editing long conditions and expressions.
- Fixed strange behavior in copy-paste between projects.
- Applying linear gradients to the screen background now works correctly.
- Checkbox and radio button now appear correctly at 100% zoom.
- Fixed scroll behavior of layers in the event dialog.
- Simulating a screen with Master inside a Smart template now works correctly.
- Scrollbars now display correctly in mobile simulation.
- Fixed issue with text spacing.
- Changing the border size of a path now works correctly.
- Fixed issue exporting slices.
- Pasting a condition now works correctly if a condition already exists on the target.
- Fixed some crashes.
Justinmind version 10.4
What’s new
- User flows diagramming.
- Improved performance in simulations for quicker and more efficient results.
- Improved integrations with JIRA and Azure DevOps for streamlined workflows.
- Updated Figma plugin to align with the latest API changes.
Bugs fixed
- Fixed vertical orientation and grouping issues in dynamic panels.
- Fixed visual bugs in shadow editing for improved visual clarity.
- Fixed issues with snap+clone multiple elements.
- Fixed bugs associated with the rotation of master instances.
- Addressed errors in the gradient of opacity settings.
- Improved copy-paste event handling to maintain event target configurations.
- Enabled scrolling in non-editable text areas for better usability.
- Fixed various bugs in the pen tool for enhanced drawing accuracy.
- Fixed color change issues in bicolor texts.
- Adjusted oversized dot lines in items for better visual accuracy.
- Fixed misalignment of comments.
- Eliminated blinking when clicking in empty spaces of a palette.
- Fixed reversed order of requirement versions.
- Fixed color change issues in the event dialog.
- Enabled event effects on non-rectangular shapes.
- Fixed the insert event functionality in containers with vertical or horizontal layouts.
- Fixed some crashes.
Justinmind version 10.3
What’s new
- Native version for Mac computers with Apple Silicon (M1,M2,M3)
- New devices frames: Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24+
Bugs fixed
- Fixed some issues with pinning.
- Improved pen tool usability and performance.
- Fixed the proxy configuration dialog.
- Iframe component appears now as a placeholder.
- Fixed filtering recent projects when using caps.
- ‘Onchange' events in select components now work correctly.
- Improved color picker feature.
- Fixed navigation with transition in android projects.
- Fixed insertion order when moving objects inside a container.
- Fixed position when pasting elements inside groups.
- Improved profile picture for google users.
- Improved pen tool performance.
- Improved zoom performance.
- Improved font filtering performance.
- Fixed multiple bugs in scenarios.
- Fixed freezing and crashing when closing some projects.
- Fixed masters issue when syncing with its instances.
- Fixed detection of the main monitor to show dialogs.
- Fixed freezing when entering full screen in MacOS.
- Fixed crop in images with flip.
- Fixed walkthrough dialogs not moving with the main window.
- Fixed flow errors when sharing widget libraries.
- Title bar color now changes depending on display theme.
- Fixed crash when adding a new user in an account.
- Fixed crash when using the back button in the account selection dialog.
- Fixed some crashes.
Justinmind version 10.2.1
Bugs fixed
- Hand tool (Pan) added to the toolbar.
- Fixed Windows uninstaller.
- Fixed hiding an element within a layout with spacing.
- Fixed layout update when a group is hidden/shown.
- Fixed some Figma plugin bugs.
- Fixed letter case in simulation mode.
- Fixed some performance bugs.
- Deleting data lists/grids from a template now works correctly.
- Exporting projects now works correctly.
- Fixed some crashes and other minor bugs.
Justinmind version 10.2
What’s new
- Single Sign-On authentication.
- New Figma plugin.
- Shared fonts.
- New Google fonts resources.
- iOS 17 library.
- iPhone 15 devices.
- Major improvements in Masters.
Bugs fixed
- Fixed OnScroll for mobile app viewers.
- New text property: Lower / upper/ firstletter case.
- Fixed Transfer account ownership for single user accounts.
- Fixed Undos for cloud projects with a solo editor.
- Fixed OnScroll in a Dynamic panel.
- Fixed issues when using Dynamic Panels.
- Nested Masters in Data Grids works correctly.
- Resizing cells with margin works properly.
- Gradients show properly when simulating.
- Fixed Cursor changing to default when zooming.
- Fixed Callout resize.
- Font change in a locked element works correctly.
- Creating an "Insert Into" event for a dynamic panel in a smart template works correctly.
- Fixed Right margins in Content grid when simulating.
- Fixed Elements in panels with vertical-middle layout when highlighting interactive areas.
- Now you can order the groups of your libraries.
- Fixed issues with masks.
- Fixed Multiple bugs in scenarios.
- Rotating elements work correctly in some use cases.
- Fixed some crashes and other minor bugs.
Justinmind version 10.1.4
Bugs fixed
- Fixed issue when opening projects from previous versions.
- Fixed issue when deleting elements.
- Fixed some unexpected crashes.
Justinmind version 10.1.3
What’s new
- New group reordering feature for libraries. Groups in your custom libraries can now be reordered for better organization.
- New Azure Boards integration. Previous TFS integration is now a new and improved Azure Boards integration.
Bugs fixed
- Fixed 'Save as' issue with screens/templates/masters.
- Improvements to the reconnection system after being 'idle'.
- Fixed issue with project images being lost.
- Fixed change style linear gradient on shapes.
- Improved border painting.
- Improved events on nested data lists/grids.
- Fixed some unexpected crashes.
Justinmind version 10.1
What’s new
- New mobile devices and simulators: iPhone 14, Galaxy S23, Pixel 7.
- Updated UI libraries: iOS and Material Design 3.
- Updated Sketch plugin. Improvements and bug fixes exporting to Justinmind.
- Updated Adobe XD plugin. Improvements and bug fixes exporting to Justinmind.
Bugs fixed
- Fixed issues when copy / pasting events between components.
- Fixed issues when embedding fonts.
- Fixed issue when using the Table component.
- Shows exported retina images correctly in word documents.
- Fixed issues in the copy + drag of some elements.
- Fixed issue with screen ordering within folders.
- Improved customization of radio buttons and checkboxes that changed size in some cases.
- Fixed video and folder components that were not working correctly in cloud projects.
- Fixed moving palettes.
- Scenario simulation works correctly for cloud projects.
- Fixed issues when cropping images.
- Fixed issues with advanced events and interactions design.
- Fixed some issues when zooming in/out.
- Screen resizing with responsive elements works correctly..
- 'Check for updates' process no longer generates connection issues reconnecting sockets.
- Folders are no longer locked or unlocked.
- Fixed some unexpected crashes.
Justinmind version 10.0.4
Bugs fixed
- Issues with user concurrency in cloud projects.
- Issues with projects with long names that are not UTF-8.
- Project names with multiple spaces in Windows versions.
- Conflicts with permissions in cloud projects.
- Applying proxy settings no longer needs to restart the product.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 10
What’s new
- Home dashboard for projects, users and groups management.
- Admin features: user roles and project permissions.
- Integrated collaboration experience for: UX/UI designers, PM, developers and key users.
- Improved real time co-editing to work simultaneously with others.
- Version history to quickly find and track changes of a project.
- Create folders to organize projects.
- Scan QR code to view on device.
- Workspace customization improved.
Bugs fixed
- Some crashes have been fixed.
- Websocket connection could not be established due to transparent proxies
Justinmind version 9.9.5
Bugs fixed
- Unexpected error when updating team prototypes.
- Performance improvement when editing events and screens.
- Asset export error.
- Improved font embedding.
- Error related with hide/show of elements inside the templates in the events dialog.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.9.4
What’s new
- Updated Apple Watch UI library.
- Interactions with effects.
- Audio files playback control in audio interactions.
Bugs fixed
- Tab between cells in a text table.
- X/Y Cursor not working on devices.
- Sketch Plugin: text cut off for import (apply letter spacing).
- Remove easing as the default behavior in the scroll interaction.
- Return key not triggering 'On Key Up' events.
- Changing background style of parent panel removes layout from sub panel.
- Cannot "Set Value" to a listbox inside of a Data List.
- Date widget not working on Android.
- Pin center not working for vectors.
- Pinned elements not working with navigation with effect in Android/iOS.
- Some bugs when pinning dynamic panels.
- New added items to search options. In addition to screens and components, now you can also search masters, variables, etc.
- Updates not working with a proxy.
- Fixed some bugs with height in the tables rows.
- Shared UI libraries ordered by last updated.
- Radio buttons with events not working in simulation.
- Easing & duration not saving when creating an action
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.9.0
What’s new
Bugs fixed
- Navigation menu was not appearing in the generated design systems.
- The Select widget had display issues in certain circumstances.
- Improvement of the creation of clipping masks in the widget libraries.
- In some cases the markers did not appear when opening a project.
- Resize problem on paths that have been rotated.
- Zoom not working well when there are elements in negative coordinates.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.8.8
Bugs fixed
- Restart message appearing in the Free accounts when the user was signed in using a gmail user
- Select widget on mobile and custom devices was not working properly
- Fixed some copy and paste issues
Justinmind version 9.8.7
What’s new
- Basic UI library updated.
- Web components UI library updated.
- Improvements in library management.
- Added an option to change the color space on macOS.
Bugs fixed
- Lock aspect ratio for images was not working in some cases.
- Minor and major functions were not working for characters.
- Some copy & paste bugs fixed.
- Offset was not working when pinning bottom.
- Some zoom problems fixed.
- The “custom scale” property in simulation settings was not working.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.8.4
Bug fixes
- Strange behavior in alignment of lines.
- Vertical resize of a text.
- Bullets and font size were not working well together in the text widget.
- Strange movements in grouping of elements in certain circumstances.
- Justinmind is not starting on Windows 7.
- Change color on multiple selected elements.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.8.2
Bug fixes
- User fonts didn't render well in simulations.
- Scroll in mobile apps didn't work when scale was set to 'fit to screen size' in the simulation settings.
- iPhone X projects that were created with earlier versions than 9.0 didn't open.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.8
What’s new
- iPhone, iPad and Android mobile / tablet devices were added.
- iOS and Android simulated behavior updated.
- Material Design UI library for Android updated.
- iOS UI library updated.
Bug fixes
- If the font is included in the prototype the confirmation message doesn’t repeat itself.
- Text format shortcuts fixed.
- User fonts rendered in Safari have been fixed.
- Fixed some bugs in the Table widget.
- Browser focus changes correctly when one clicks Play.
- Guides when one zooms in fixed.
- Guides are saved correctly.
- New widgets with a dynamic panel in a new library are created correctly.
- Quality of SVGs in design components has been improved.
- Scenario connectors work again when in a simulation.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.7.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug regarding some asian characters when focus was lost.
- Fixed bug resizing slices to 0 in width and height.
- Fixed bug for exporting very large images.
- Accessibility text (narrator) improvement for asian characters in Windows.
- Fixed bug in reordering elements in the Layers palettes.
- Auto-fix of damaged projects when saved.
- Fixed bugs of embedded variable fonts.
- Fixed contextual menu on an empty screen.
- Fixed strange behavior in dropdowns in the “Create prototype” dialog.
- Speed of scroll wheel adjusted.
- Fixed canvas ‘shaking’ when zoom was set with certain decimal values in Windows.
- Fixed pan tool in events and expressions dialogs.
Justinmind version 9.7
What's new
- Effects: improved drop shadow and added extra customizable effects like inner shadows, blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, hue, invert, saturate and sepia to all elements and image objects.
- Blending modes: added blending options to all elements in the canvas. Blending Modes allow you to define how you want a layer to visually interact with the layers behind. The modes available are multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color dodge, color burn, difference, exclusion, hue, saturation, color and luminosity.
- Variable fonts: variable font files are now supported and all the styles available in edition mode.
Bug fixes
- Log4j vulnerability fixed: we updated the version of Log4j used by the application. The one used in previous versions wasn’t affected by the security vulnerability threat detected a few weeks ago, but we decided to update it in an abundance of caution.
- Crash in MacBooks with M1 chip: fixed a crash that was happening in some of the new MacBooks.
- Select through: Select elements behind other elements that are partially shown.
- Add empty column: added an easy way to add a new empty column to a data list by right clicking on it and selecting Add Column - Empty.
- Some bugs related with clipping masks and selection of paths have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.6
What's new
- Added "Sign in with Google" option as another authentication option in Justinmind.
Justinmind version 9.5.2
What's new
- The name of the text layers matches the text in the canvas
- Easier to select anchor points in vector shapes
- Drag and drop in the Layers palette made more reliable
Bug Fixes
- Slice tool + Shift creates square slices
- Several bug fixes with clipping masks and paths combined
- Some issues with fonts fixed
Justinmind version 9.5
What's new
- Colors, typographies and image assets in libraries.
- Synchronize colors, typographies and image assets between libraries and prototypes.
- Generate Design Systems in one click.
- Slices: a type of layer you can draw on your canvas that will export anything within them as an image. They're also carried over to the Developers handoff.
- Linear and Radial Gradients.
- Letter spacing both for text boxes and text selections - Adding effects to change style events such as gradually changing the size of a text or from one color to another.
- Custom checkboxes and radio buttons and custom icon in drop down input fields.
- Adding columns to Data Lists/Grids now just one right click away.
- More math functions added to the expression builder (x to the power of y, ceiling and floor).
- Defining border width with decimals.
- Undo and redo editing library contents.
- Duplicate widget in library.
- Multiline in values of Data Master.
- Reorder panels in Layers palette.
- Open jpl files with double click.
Bug Fixes
- Fade events on groups now work.
- Select action in selection inputs such as drop downs now works again.
- Change style event on border radius now work.
- On drop event ‘any element’ now can be defined.
- Performance fix for big tables.
- Fixed some cases of View on device in Android.
- Copy SVG code from Sketch sometimes pasted as text instead of vector elements.
- Double-click to open vp files in Mac.
- Zoom problems fixed.
Justinmind version 9.4
What's new
- Vector Editing: Vector-based editing tools like the Pen tool, Shapes and multitude of editing options for paths and individual anchor points.
- Boolean operations and Masks: Boolean operations combine any set of paths and shapes through one of four formulas: Union, Subtract, Intersect, and Exclude. You can use any vector element as a mask for any section of your design.
- Extensive Export Options: Export to SVG, PNG or any major image formats to any size or resolution needed. Distribute production ready images to developers and other stakeholders.
- Seamless integration with design tools: Copy, paste and modify elements from and to design tools like Figma, Adobe XD or Sketch. All information like colors, borders, layers is kept and editable to and from those tools.
- Turn paths into interactive components: Turn any path from Justinmind or any other tool into interactive input fields and add events and interactions to any path.
- Add events to groups and multi selections
- Change the URL or the HTML of a URL/HTML widget dynamically through events
- Bug fixes
Justinmind version 9.3
What's new
- Save Data Lists/Grids as widgets along with their linked Data Masters and data: you can drag any data grid/list or group containing lists or grids to a library and save that as a widget. That will not only save the data grid/list but also all the information about the related data master so you can use it in other prototypes.
- Improvements in Save as image: You can right click on an element or a group of elements and select the option 'Export to image files...'. A new dialog will show up that allows to export the selection to different sizes and formats.
- Widget descriptions for Developers: you can add additional information to the description of a widget. That description will be now available in the simulation too. So if you use a widget in a prototype and that widget has a description, that description carries over to the simulation and it's accessible to the Developers using the inspect tool.
- Smart guides improvements: the smart guides will now display only the required lines to help you align. Also, when duplicating an element with drag, the smart guides will always take as a reference the element being copied.
- HTML basic tags in Requirements descriptions: if the description of a Requirement contains any basic HTML tag such as links or styling, the description will render those tags in the simulation too.
- iOS and Android apps updated.
Bug fixes
- Simulation of drag of multiple elements now works correctly.
- Launching Justinmind for users with some special characters in their names now works.
- Automatic updates for some users with special configurations of proxies don't freeze the product anymore.
- Fixed: Simulation won't run with ' in Placeholder of Input Text Field.
- Tables in prototypes made with versions older than version 9 now loading correctly.
Justinmind version 9.2
What's new
- Prototypes can now display inside an iFrame. Giving the users the option to embed an interactive prototype in apps like Confluence or even a web site.
- Invite Developers just by typing their email addresses
- New event action to change the mouse pointer by any other default cursor icon.
- Customize the format of date inputs. For instance from US to European formats.
- Font size now in Pixels
- Reorder elements in palettes using buttons in the toolbar
Bug fixes
- Performance improvements for big prototypes
- Performance improvement on simulation of pages with many shapes
- Hotspots get out of the way when a Developer activates the inspect tool. Making it easier to inspect elements and get graphic assets.
- Fixed some cases where the palettes positions were not kept.
- Fixed some cases where comments weren't correctly synchronized
- On Active panel - set focus on input now works
- Fixed some cases where Ellipses with padding weren't simulating correctly
- Improved the Mouse Wheel for scrolling in Mac.
- Fixed an issue with rounding images
Justinmind version 9.1.10
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the linked image files weren’t refreshing if they were inside dynamic panels.
- Clicking on the ‘flip image’ option in properties no doesn’t degrade the quality of the image.
- Fixed shadows of elements disappearing when changing to another screen.
- Some memory leaks have been fixed.
- Copy styles between lines now doesn’t apply the rotation.
- Lines with margins now show up in simulation.
- Having the widgets palette filtered and adding a new library now filters the newly added library as well.
- Some crashes have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.1.9
Bug fixes
- A few memory leaks have been fixed.
- Fixed some cases where the application would freeze.
- Some cases where it was crashing now are fixed.
Justinmind version 9.1.8
Bug fixes
- The 'Find' dialog now displays what screen the component is in.
- Duplicate screen, template and master now populates the dialog with the name of the canvas being duplicated.
- Added some space between 'Duplicate' and 'Delete' actions in the right click menu to avoid misscliks.
- Fixed some memory leaks and improved performance.
- White background added when editing a Master to improve contrast.
- Some synchronization issues with JIRA have been fixed.
- Improved the performance of the 'Export to specifications document' option.
- Some crashes were fixed in teamwork and overall the application.
Justinmind version 9.1.7
Bug fixes
- JFIF images are now supported.
- Memory issue exporting to Spec Document.
- Memory leaks fixed. The application shouldn’t freeze now.
- Simulation of videos now fixed.
- On mouse over + on click combination now works correctly.
- Add comments to elements within Masters in the server.
- Keep aspect ratio of images now works in responsive prototypes.
- Removed confusing ‘copy guides from template’ option.
- ‘Save selection as image’ for a master instance now generates the right image.
- Fix conflict issues with fonts like Roboto that sometimes showed the texts as ‘scrambled’ in the prototype.
- Fix change style of SVGs with javascript inside.
- Fixed circles made with version 8 that sometimes showed as ovals in version 9.
- Now you can rename a screen in lowercase to the same name in uppercase.
- Many crashes and performance issues have been fixed.
Justinmind version 9.1.6
Bug fixes
- Drag selection now includes elements out of the scrolling view.
- Export to JIRA fixed with prototypes older than 9.
- Layers panel now resizes correctly when Events dialog is resized.
- Problems with refreshing requirements and comments are now fixed.
- Resize SVG images with percentage now works correctly.
- Compatibility with display sizes greater than 100% in Windows computers.
- Prototypes with events in tables blowing up in size now fixed.
- Variables with names including underscore character now show up in the Events dialog.
- Vertical alignment and fonts fixed in menu widget simulation.
- Variables palette now reflects changes in names of variables.
- Drop down input fields now show with the right size when simulating with the option 'Fit to screen'.
- Several crashes fixed.
Justinmind version 9.1.5
Bug fixes
- Several crashes were fixed.
- Some memory leaks related with the Events dialog have been detected and addressed, improving the performance.
- Fixed some compatibility issues with prototypes made with older versions such as distorted shapes, transparency events and navigation menus.
- Text tables with size in percentage now simulate correctly.
Justinmind version 9.1
What's new
- Major redesign of the interface with improved usability.
- Dramatic performance improvements even with huge prototypes.
- Developer's handoff in browser. Unlimited developers and no need for them to install anything.
Improvements in the User Interface editor
- New options to design within Justinmind without having to use third party design tools: direct selection tool,
- transparency in gradients, pixel perfect text, shadows visible in edition mode, smooth zooming, rounded
- borders in pixels, individual rounded borders, align tools and guides per screen and per template.
- Embedding HTML now allows things to be placed on top of it. Same for videos.
- Shortcuts for most common widgets such as Text, image, etc.
- Position and size now accept decimals of a pixel.
- Check responsive widgets without jumping into simulation mode.
- Preview mode for checking your design without going into simulation mode.
- Names of layers, screens, templates, scenarios or variables accept any kind of character (spaces, numbers, etc.)
- Folders in Screens, Variables, Templates and Masters.
- Preview a widget before dragging it into the canvas.
- Text edition matches 100% with text visualization.
- No need to rotate lines anymore, just drag the ends of a line to define where it starts and where it ends.
- Click and drag selects the elements touched by the selection area. You can also configure it to work as in older versions.
- Compatibilities issues with some fonts now fixed.
- Preview fonts in the fonts selector.
- Different users can change shared libraries in an account.
- Zoom with trackpad gestures.
- 'View on device' compatible with multi user accounts.
- Transition effects between screens now keep the background color.
- Compatible with HDPi in Windows.
- Icons in Layers palette.
- Insert into dynamic panels and other containers now dragging + cmd key (drag+ctrl in Windows). No more 'edit modes' in container components.
- Show smart guides with hover + alt/option key.
- Align options now work even if just one element is selected.
- Rotate groups as a whole.
- Rotate groups as a whole. Embedded HTML now can connect to the rest of the prototype via javascript.
- Rotate dynamic panels.
- Constraint aspect ratio when resizing an element in the canvas.
Justinmind version 9
What's new
- Major redesign of the interface with improved usability.
- Dramatic performance improvements even with huge prototypes.
- Developer's handoff in browser. Unlimited developers and no need for them to install anything.
Improvements in the User Interface editor
- New options to design within Justinmind without having to use third party design tools: direct selection tool,
- transparency in gradients, pixel perfect text, shadows visible in edition mode, smooth zooming, rounded
- borders in pixels, individual rounded borders, align tools and guides per screen and per template.
- Embedding HTML now allows things to be placed on top of it. Same for videos.
- Shortcuts for most common widgets such as Text, image, etc.
- Position and size now accept decimals of a pixel.
- Check responsive widgets without jumping into simulation mode.
- Preview mode for checking your design without going into simulation mode.
- Names of layers, screens, templates, scenarios or variables accept any kind of character (spaces, numbers, etc.)
- Folders in Screens, Variables, Templates and Masters.
- Preview a widget before dragging it into the canvas.
- Text edition matches 100% with text visualization.
- No need to rotate lines anymore, just drag the ends of a line to define where it starts and where it ends.
- Click and drag selects the elements touched by the selection area. You can also configure it to work as in older versions.
- Compatibilities issues with some fonts now fixed.
- Preview fonts in the fonts selector.
- Different users can change shared libraries in an account.
- Zoom with trackpad gestures.
- 'View on device' compatible with multi user accounts.
- Transition effects between screens now keep the background color.
- Compatible with HDPi in Windows.
- Icons in Layers palette.
- Insert into dynamic panels and other containers now dragging + cmd key (drag+ctrl in Windows). No more 'edit modes' in container components.
- Show smart guides with hover + alt/option key.
- Align options now work even if just one element is selected.
- Rotate groups as a whole.
- Rotate groups as a whole. Embedded HTML now can connect to the rest of the prototype via javascript.
- Rotate dynamic panels.
- Constraint aspect ratio when resizing an element in the canvas.
Improvements in the Scenarios Editor
- Organize Scenarios in folders.
- Properties panel with advanced design options.
- Two types of connections (straight and rectilinear).
- Link requirements and comments to specific elements within a Scenario.
- Keyboard shortcuts for creating elements in a Scenario.
Improvements in the Requirements Editor
- Customize search area.
- Search by category.
- Select that some requirements won't update in JIRA or TFS.
- Improved requirements details palette.
Improvements in the Comments editor
- Import comments from other prototypes: Allows to share different copies of the same prototype and consolidate all the feedback in one prototype.
Improvements in Online account
- Comments interface for reviewers redesigned.
- New options for developers in the browser: red lining, getting the css of an element and getting image assets.
- Developers now work as reviewers do. They just need a browser and an email invite.
Justinmind version 8.7.8
Bug fixes
- Fixed some connection issues when signing in and out of the application.
Justinmind version 8.7.7
Bug fixes
- Export to HTML: the exported files now work in Safari, IE, Firefox and Chrome without the need of installing any extensions.
- Duplicate screens: the layout properties of dynamic panels now carry on to the duplicated screen.
Justinmind version 8.7.6
What's new
- Improved performance.
- Embedding fonts in latest versions of Mac OS now works.
- Accurate percentage heights calculations.
- Comments in grouped elements now show in generated MS Word documents.
- 'View related components' in the details of a Requirement inside a simulation, now highlight the components even if they are in a dynamic panel that is not visible at that time.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some bugs when resizing groups.
- Fixed pin positions when simulating in Android devices.
- Fixed key events in Android devices.
- Fixed pinch and rotate gestures in Android devices.
Justinmind version 8.7.5
What's new
- Compatible with macOS Catalina: Justinmind is now fully compatible with the latest version of OS X.
Justinmind version 8.7.4
August 16, 2019 / September 3, 2019
What's new
- Added keyboard shortcut to 'Edit content' & 'Exit edit content' of a Dynamic panel (Shift + E).
- When duplicating a screen, template, master or panel the active element after duplicating is the new duplicated element.
- Bug fixes.
Justinmind version 8.7.2
June 12, 2019 / July 16, 2019
What's new
- Slight improvement in performance.
- Widget library for Android updated.
- Fixes some cases with backgrounds of SVG files.
- Bug fixes.
Justinmind version 8.7.0
What's new
- New plugin for Photoshop that turns PSD files into Justinmind prototypes. Each layer in Photoshop is turned into it's own separated component in Justinmind.
- Export prototype to native mobile apps using PhoneGap. A new option that creates a package from the prototype than can be later on uploaded to PhoneGap to generate an .ipa or .apk files.
- Android library made responsive and updated to the latest changes in the Material Design specifications.
Bug fixes
- The Free edition now has Hot Spots.
- On key pressed events defined in input fields are now only triggered when that input field has the focus.
- Screen description now included in the Export to Document option.
- Improved performance on simulation of data grids/data lists with paginations.
- Some crashes making custom widget libraries.
Justinmind version 8.6.1
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with HiDPi Windows computers where all the elements in the interface showed up super small.
- Fixed a problem where 'on mouse over' and 'on toggle' events on the same element would not work.
- Masters can now be distributed horizontally on the Canvas.
Justinmind version 8.6.0
What's new
- iOS 12 UI Kit: Justinmind's new widget library includes all of the components from the Apple iOS update and they are responsive.
- SAML integration and dual authentication: Single Sign-On is a method of authentication (logging into a service) that companies have adopted over the years as it centralizes the security for IT administrators. Justinmind Enterprise Server supports SSO via LDAP and now, SAML too. On top of that, you can decide the method of authentication for each user. So you can have some of your employees connected to SAML and create some accounts with regular user/password combination for external employees.
- Compatible with macOS Mojave: Justinmind is now fully compatible with the latest version of OS X.
- The widget 'Document' from the Basic library now allows to select video files. Use it as a simple way to embed a video in your prototype.
- Widget search in the widgets palette now expands the libraries to see the results of the search.
- Double-click on an input field now defines the 'placeholder' instead of the default value for that input.
- Path were the automatic saved backups are stored now is displayed in Preferences.
- New keyboard shortcuts: You can use keyboard shortcuts in Justinmind to help speed up your design process. All these new shortcuts have been included in this release:
- Zoom 100% (Ctrl + 1)
- Zoom fit to all (Ctrl + 0)
- Rulers (Ctrl + ;)
- Grid (Ctrl + ')
- Snap to grid (Ctrl + Shift + ')
- Snap to geometry (Alt + Shift + ')
- Smart guides (Ctrl + Shift + U)
- Mask panels masters and hotspots (Ctrl + .)
- Components marked as hidden (Shift + H)
- Generate document (Ctrl + P)
- Export to custom document (F6)
- Export to HTML (F7)
- Activate zoom tool (Z)
- Activate selection tool (V)
- Activate copy styles tool (Shift + F)
- Activate copy events tool (Alt + Shift + F)
Bug fixes
- No more getting stuck in 'Verifying' while installing Justinmind in Mac.
- No more 'Grant access to accessibility features' message in macOS Mojave.
- OnToggle event now works with the 'set active panel' option again.
- Simulation of Masters with responsive components now works correctly.
- OnChange now works with radio buttons in mobile.
Justinmind version 8.5.0
What's new
- You can now bulk update the styles of elements in your prototype, including their font styles and colors. Check it out in the Edit menu.
- Edit and update all widgets in a custom library. Just go to edit mode in a library and click “Edit all widgets”. You can also edit a widget individually by right clicking on it and selecting “Edit contents”.
- Simulation is optimized to be faster and more efficient.
- Developers are able to see comments and requirements in the Justinmind user interface in read-only mode.
Bug fixes
- The mobile application no longer flashes when linking between screens.
- Gestures on certain widgets now work correctly.
- iPhone X simulation now lines up correctly.
- Fixed an issue with dynamic panel transition effects for resize events.
- Menu items work correctly in simulation.
- The eyedropper tool will now work for non-retina screens.
- SVG images will no longer be pixelated when used as backgrounds.
Justinmind version 8.4.3
Bug fixes
- Fixed: changing font size from the toolbar was not working in rare situations.
- Fixed: certain SVG files were rendered with an offset in Safari/iOS.
- Fixed: embedded fonts were not working in IE11.
- Fixed: percentage size of labels, inputs and select items were not calculated correctly in simulation.
- Fixed: portrait events were not triggered correctly from the "rotate" button in simulation.
- Fixed: requirements containing html text were displayed broken in simulation.
- Page unload events are now triggered when opening a link in a new tab.
- Size of autofit texts are calculated even if their parent components are hidden.
Justinmind version 8.4.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed: events triggered from inside datagrids were not working properly in some cases.
- Fixed: dropdown options could not be selected in iPad simulator.
- Fixed: scrollbars in iOS were not smooth.
- Fixed: missing selected background color in dropdowns in simulation.
- Fixed: crash when copy-paste events from a dynamic panel.
- Fixed: set active panel event where panel had a percentage value was not honoring that value.
- Fixed: rare crash when loading libraries.
Justinmind version 8.4.1
Bug fixes
- Canvas is shown in default orientation in Link To events in simulation.
- Fixed: crash when group components in masters.
- Fixed: gesture events defined in the screen.
- Fixed: bug when renaming screens with invalid characters.
- Fixed: cursor was not visible in mobile prototypes in Internet Explorer browser.
Justinmind version 8.4.0
What's new
- Multi device prototypes.
- Link to scenarios using Link To events.
- Change Style event settings now more specific.
- Transparency in color picker.
- New margin properties.
- Android library made responsive and updated with the latest version.
- Resize canvas with drag and drop.
- Simulate web prototype screens with full width or with size defined in the canvas.
- Organize already grouped UI elements into sub-groups.
- Developers will only see the prototypes they have been invited to in their online accounts and the Justinmind mobile app.
- Reviewers now can create a username and password for the Justinmind online account using a link found in their invitation email.
Bug fixes
- Drop downs now work properly in simulation.
- On Toggle rotation now works.
- Fixed scroll when simulating URL widgets on mobile devices.
- Responsive tables saved as widgets now keep their responsive properties.
- Sukhumvit font can now be embedded.
Justinmind version 8.3.1
Bug fixes
- Fixed: variables associated with incompatible UI elements.
- Fixed: crash upon deleting a Data Master when certain event actions were copied to the clipboard.
- Fixed: bug when importing custom fonts when file extension appeared in caps.
- Fixed: incorrect order of widget libraries in the Widget library palette.
- Fixed: "Set Value" event action bug with a Data List or Data Grid as the event target.
Justinmind version 8.3.0
What's new
- Build prototypes for iPhone X: includes iPhone X simulator, updated libraries and updated examples.
- Custom fonts: now you can embed any font file in your prototype simulations so that reviewers see your design just as you do. The Justinmind editor will also warn you if you're missing any fonts used in the prototype you're viewing.
- Search and Replace: a new option from the "Edit" main menu option will let you search and replace any text entry in your prototype's screens.
- Select the contents of the shared prototype: a new filter option from the "Share" main menu option allows you to configure which screens and scenarios you want to include in a shared prototype. This will enable you to prevent reviewers accessing parts of your prototype that aren't yet complete or aren't for public viewing.
- Transition effect duration for "Link To" and "Set Active Panel" event actions: you can now define the speed of transition effects for "Link To" and "Set Active Panel" event actions.
- Rename a component in the Outline palette: you can change the ID of any UI element by double-clicking on it in the Outline palette.
- CSS "contain" property for background images: a new "contain" option for background images resizes the image so that it is fully visible no matter the size of the UI element.
- Smoother zoom: new levels of zoom make it smoother to zoom in and out.
- Selection feedback on grouped components: when a UI element within a group is selected, any other elements on the canvas will appear grayed out so you know which elements the group is made up of.
- Move action to beginning / end: you can now change the order of Event interactions and actions, bringing the first interaction or action to the end of the sequence, or vice versa with the last.
- Select target component of an action: when you create an event, right click on an action in the Events palette and select "Select targeted components" to keep track of which UI elements have been included in this action.
Bug fixes
- The main menu option "View" – "View/Hide components marked as hidden" now works.
- A new event dialog now targets the selected UI element by default.
- The main menu option "View" – "View/Hide components marked as hidden" now works.
- When copying a Master from a page to another page, it now retains "Hidden" properties.
- "Replace published version" now selects the current prototype by default.
- Google Analytics integration now accepts the latest version of the Google Analytics script.
- The "Default value" option for Select Lists in the Properties palette now works.
- Fixed: unable to drag a custom widget into a custom widget library when two custom libraries were open at once.
- Fixed: "On Page Load" actions sounds weren't playing on mobile devices.
- Fixed: the open shared prototype dialog was too narrow.
Justinmind version 8.2.2
January 16, 2018 / February 13, 2018
Bug fixes
- Fixed bugs related to pinned positions and sizes as percentages.
- Bug fixes
Justinmind version 8.2.0
Whats news
- Pin position: the UI element can be pinned to the top, left, right or bottom of a screen or container element even in simulation mode, when there's scrolling or the screen is resized. Use this as an easy way to simulate parallax and responsive prototypes.
- Size set as a percentage: set the size of an element with a percentage instead of pixels. The percentage will also be applied in simulation mode and can be modified with events. Use this to simulate responsive prototypes. Percentages also apply relative to dynamic panels, tables and any container.
- Add a background "cover" image to UI elements such as Text, Paragraph and Button widgets.
- Align background images horizontally and vertically within UI elements such as Text, Paragraph and Button widgets.
- Images can be scaled to proportion when set with a percentage.
- The Chromium window now launches with the same resolution as the canvas by default. (e.g. if simulating a web prototype, Chromium will take on the canvas screen’s resolution)
Justinmind version 8.1.0
What's new
- See font size in pixels not points when in the CSS view.
- Export graphical assets without the default image viewer opening.
- Export graphical assets up to twice as large without compromising asset quality.
- View screens in tree mode by default, instead of screenshots.
- It's now free to add developers to your Justinmind projects. Add as many as you want!
- Import multiple developers from a CSV to save time.
- Access Align Menu options with a simple right-click.
- Published prototype versions now show the date of the last change made.
- Vertical lines of only 1 pixel width are now easier to select in the canvas.
- Fixed a bug in the iOS app that prevented some On Click events working.
- Set Original Size option now also works for SVG files.
- Clicking on the scroll bars Track now moves the scroll as expected.
- Expressions dialog now maintains the last zoom level selected.
Justinmind version 8.0.1
What's new
- We have fixed two additional bugs, both related to Google Fonts:
- Text in prototypes was illegible in the canvas but displaying correctly in simulation mode.
- Google Font text inside Data Lists was not displaying correctly in simulation mode.
Justinmind version 8.0.0
- There’s a new role just for developers. Developers now have access to a read-only interface where they can inspect designs, grab images and CSS styles from the prototype, and stay up to date with design changes.
- Sketch artboards can now be exported individually to Justinmind, streamlining asset organization and changes.
- Our smart guides are temporary 'snap to' guides that now appear when the user hovers over a UI element, changes the size of an element or drags it to a new location. The smart guides will make it easier to position and line up elements on the canvas. Activate them in the View menu.
- A new set of arrows allows the user to easily expand and collapse the floating palettes. Collapsed palettes give a truer view of the prototype, and give the user more room to work.
- Container widgets can now be arranged to include padding inside the widgets' borders. Dynamic panels, table cells and data grid/list cells now include the option to define padding when a layout other than 'free' is selected.
- Elements can now be grouped within a master so it's easy to apply global changes to more than one element at the same time. Just right click the element.
- Users can now remove the device’s frame from view in the Scenarios tab and the Simulation window. This will allow them to visualize only the design.
- There is now a placeholder widget in the Properties panel so users can now added labels without using events.
- For Enterprise clients with onsite server installation, our desktop app and the iOS and Android apps now allow self-signed certificates.
Bus fixes
- Our new light-themed UI has been updated. Configure the new UI in the Preferences tab.
- Users can customize the look of their online account and shared prototypes. Change the background and font colors to match branding!
- The structure of the Properties tab has been improved so that it’s cleaner, more intuitive and easier to navigate.
- The auto-reveal feature has been disabled. Now when users mark an element as hidden or locked using the Outline palette, the canvas scroll bars will no longer move.
- You’ve now got access to the latest versions of Google fonts.
- You can access to the open shared prototype option from the Welcome window.
- There’s a new speedy sign-out option in the Help menu of the desktop app.
- Bug fix: the color of an image no longer changes when a data grid is filtered using 'Set value'.
- Bug fix: we've fixed the error when updating teamwork projects with events containing expressions using table cells.
- Bug fix: when copy-pasting a condition in an existing Event, the Event visuals now maintain their correct order.
- Bug fix: Now when you select and drag items they maintain their correct order in the outline panel.
Justinmind version 7.9.2
May 18, 2017 / May 24, 2017
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash related to the Events tab in latest version of Windows 10 Creators Update, related to touch-enabled computers.
- Fixed 'file not found' error for the Chromium simulation.
- Fixed a crash related to the Events tab in latest version of Windows 10 Creators Update, related to some specific hardware configurations.
Justinmind version 7.9.0
What's new
- New Sketch integration: export Sketch artboards as individual layers or as images and work on them in Justinmind. (Please note that the integration works with Sketch v41+ only)
- Embed .wav and .mp3 audio files in your prototypes.
- Add multi-target events to elements inside your masters from screens and templates.
- Scenario arrows will remain were placed by the user when working with the zoom and scroll functionalities.
- With the new Creators Update of Windows 10, you can now simulate your Justinmind prototypes in Microsoft Edge upon exporting to HTML.
- A UI screen will be recognized by a screen with the same name in the Scenarios window.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where a valid subscription was not correctly recognized during the last days of the billing cycle.
- Fixed an issue with Teamwork where events from a screen to a template were getting lost.
- Fixed a bug where widget events were getting lost upon adding them to a new library.
- Fixed a bug where some screens weren’t visible in the list view.
- Fixed a crash that affects editing the user profile when working offline.
- Fixed a crash when uploading an invalid SVG file in Set Value actions.
- Fixed a crash with panel selection in Insert Into actions.
- The "Include top bar" option will active in the Simulation window, until unticked.
- Fixed an issue with scenarios where bend-points in transitions weren’t automatically adjusting.
Justinmind version 7.8.0
- New palette to see the CSS code of UI elements.
- Events can now be targeting more than one element in the same action.
- Events can also be targeting elements in templates.
- Comments can now be placed and replied in Scenarios from the online service.
- New tooltips in color dropdowns showing the hexadecimal color selected.
- Now you can paste hexadecimal colors with the hashtag included in color inputs.
- New button in image properties to save the image to your computer.
Bug fixes
- Fixed 'Too many sign-ins' bug related to account activations.
- Fixed simulation issues in iOS prototypes that prevented click events from being executed.
- Dynamic panel hierarchy can now be modified in the Outline tab.
- Fixed a bug related to images displayed in Set Value events.
- Problem related to reverting delete actions on screens has been fixed.
- Fixed issue with JIRA and TFS plugins where issue types were always converted to 'task' - they now remain as in source.
- Fixed style of iOS checkboxes in simulation.
- Fixed crash related to fonts and styles when not available.
- Fixed HiDPi issue with drop downs.
- Fixed copy and paste issue when clipboard was empty.
- Fixed issue with datagrids’ pagination when datagrids were nested.
- The drag and drop of links between components in your scenarios has been improved.
- Upon exporting documentation to MS Word, the order will reflect that of the Screen's panel, instead of alphabetical order.
Justinmind version 7.7.0
What's new
- New onboarding settings: new users can choose between a ‘beginner’ mode and the classic, ‘full’ mode.
- Brand new Online Account setup, including how you manage connected users, subscriptions and licenses, and billing details.
- New Requirements functionality: add the same requirement to multiple elements.
- New Bootstrap widget library for your web prototypes.
- In Mac, ‘Infinity’ font size issue has been resolved.
- Teamwork SVGs have been improved (some lost during teamwork).
- Data list reviewer comments work now.
- Improvements to scenarios:
- New light-themed canvas
- New Image widget
- Updates to the Note widget (multi-line text and alignment improvements implemented)
- New copy and paste functionality
- New Outline tab for hierarchical ordering of scenario components
Justinmind version 7.6.0
What's new
- New plug-in for integrating Team Foundation Server with Justinmind.
- JIRA's integration is now installed within Justinmind by default.
- Requirements simulation can now be filtered by the selected screen or by scenario.
- Added iOS10 and Android Nougat widget libraries.
- Fixed copy and paste SVG bug from Adobe Illustrator.
- Fixed copy and paste Microsoft Office 2011 bug for Mac.
- Fixed colored SVG bug inside datagrids and datalists
- Fixed the behavior of date widgets inside datagrids and datalists.
- Fixed problems with nested datagrids and events between them.
- Fixed a crash related to the "Save as Image" feature.
- Fixed some shortcuts in the Mac version, including zooming using CMD+mousewheel.
- Changing your account email address will no longer make you lose owner rights over custom widget libraries.
Justinmind version 7.5.0
What's new
- Added support for importing requirements from the API.
- New plug-in for integrating with JIRA published on our website.
- Added a Light version of the UI for usability improvements.
- We've fixed the behavior of comments inside Masters.
- The URLs inside prototyper have been changed to HTTPS.
- We've fixed a bug where floating shells couldn't be resized or moved.
- Widget IDs can now end with "_0".
- We've fixed the behavior problems with Show and Hide events inside dynamic panels and other container widgets.
- The display of Events tab in Mac has been improved.
- Upon duplicating a screen, you can now copy the scroll lock options.
- New columns and rows in the table widget are now correctly displayed in the Outline tab.
- SVG vectors no longer display as a list of random characters.
- We've fixed some problems with importing SVG images from Sketch.
- Hierarchy of elements related to dynamic panel events has been fixed.
- Shared prototypes won't become corrupted when opened in older versions.
- We've dealt with crashes.
Justinmind version 7.4.0
What's new
- Requirements are now available in simulation.
- Resizing a table now resizes every cell proportionally instead of modifying only the last column/row.
- The widget libraries “IOS9 Icons” and “Android Icons” now use SVG images instead of Labels.
- Screen, Templates, Masters, Requirements and Comments categories are now shared in Teamwork.
- Fixed a bug where changing a Screen's template was not shared in Teamwork.
- Fixed a bug where dropdowns had a "blank row" on the hidpi version.
- It is now possible to add SVGs in data masters the same way as Images.
- Fixed a bug where SVGs encoded with UTF-16 were not displayed correctly on simulation.
- Fixed a bug with checkboxes on "Recover prototype".
- Fixed a bug with scenario simulation where a screen created with "Create in UI" was not linked to its scenario counterparts.
Justinmind version 7.3.0
What's new
- New "Wrap" option for overflows in containers.
- Vertical and Horizontal spacing now available for containers with vertical and horizontal layouts.
- Added "List mode" to the widgets' palette.
- Multiple performance optimizations for the Requirements and Comments editors.
- New tags added to the documentation, now it is possible to include the ID and description of widgets.
- Multiple fixes for SVGs exported from Illustrator.
- Fixed a bug with user-icons in simulation.
- Fixed some bugs with Usertesting and Validately integrations.
- Fixed a bug with comments inside groups.
Justinmind version 7.2.2
May 19, 2016 / June 1, 2016
Bug fixes
- The color of SVG images can be changed through the property "Color".
- Auto-fitted text now adapts to its contents while editing.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.
Justinmind version 7.1.0
What's new
- Customizable requirements fields
- Add/remove and modify new requirement fields for your prototypes.
- Hide/show default fields using the requirements tab in Preferences.
- New Scenario Simulation mode in order to simulate the navigation defined in scenarios.
- Auto-fit content in simulation to scale all desktop and mobile sizes that are available with Justinmind.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.
- Integration with user testing platform, Validately.
- Improved functionality of Proxies settings
- Simplified configuration settings.
- Improved user and password authentication.
- New iOS widget library.
- New iPad widget library.
Justinmind version 7.0.0
What's new
- Automatically highlight interactive areas when simulating (configurable).
- Open new prototypes in new Justinmind editor windows (configurable).
- New area functions in the expression builder: 'intersect' and 'contains'.
- Ability to add a description to custom widgets.
- Visual feedback in canvas on mouse hover over items in the outline tab.
- More information about the prototype to be reshared.
- New screen skin for the Android phone in the editor and the simulator.
- Vector images (SVG) maintain sharpness in simulation.
- Save preferred zoom settings in events dialog.
- Variables ordered alphabetically when a new one is created.
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements.
- On Panel Active: triggers events when a panel state changes.
- On Data Change: triggers events when value changes in data cells.
- On Variable Change: triggers events when a variable value changes.
- Improvements in the Events tab:
- Rename cases, change trigger keys, edit variables and drop target with a double click.
- Add an action after any selected one.
- Paste interactions into new empty events.